What did you give for Christmas this year?


I don't believe in the no-win scenario

I took a trip this year in November over seas (im American). I had a blast doing holiday shopping for my family. I'm calling this year Parisian Christmas. With all the excitement I thought Id share with yall.

For my Mother I got her a silver bracelet in French style.
For my Nephew I got him a cordory coat with a patch that says "explore le monde" on it.
For my other Nephew I got some onsies with Eiffel tower and a tractor.
For my Niece I got a baby doll with a rubby ducky.
For my adult brothers, I got them spice kits from Jordan.
For my best friends daughter I got her Azul the boardgame in French (she is bi-lingual)

Your Turn (thats how this is done right?) What are you giving this year for gifts?

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Limiting myself here to just gaming related stuff ...

For two of my friends who are GMs - each a copy of Justin Alexander's "So You Want to Be a Gamemaster."
For my wife - a set of rechargeable LED dice, a copy of Arch Ravels (a yarn-related boardgame)
For my mom - a hand-painted Reaper miniatures Nativity set

Overall, I'm going more over the top and celebrating harder than usual this year. It's been a rough couple months. Hoping some of the joy transfers.


Mod Squad
Staff member
We only barely nod to the holiday any more. But, my wife's birthday is in December, so I have this tendency of getting her a lot of stuff, and not really worrying where between the two days things arrive...

This year was all fiber-craft related stuff - a set of ergonomic crochet hooks, a yarn bowl in the shape of a dragon wrapped around an egg, and a new yarn-balling machine to replace the piece of plastic crap she's been using.



I'm firmly in the economic objection to holiday gift-giving camp. When the holidays occur, I do my best to deter anyone giving me anything, and rely on structured secret Santa exchanges for everything else. Then I simply ask people what they want, with a one degree intermediary if socially necessary.

Thus, this year I'm giving out coffee supplies to my sister and a variety of fantasy themed cookbooks to one randomly selected gaming friend. I expect to receive a new kitchen scale and a variety of flatpack minis.


I was under the impression we weren't doing gifts in the larger family this year, and then at the last minute (two days ago) I was informed we were giving gifts to the younger generation. So the sublings each get a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card. Bah humbug.


My go to is always a box of homemade baked goods for friends.

So this year the current plans are:
  • Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies. Link to a video where I got the recipe, this is a new one.
  • Lemon Coconut Squares
  • Pistachio Cranberry Biscotti (probably drizzled with white chocolate)
  • Marshmallows (yes, I do make my own marshmallows sometimes)
  • Rugelach


The most respectful and polite poster ever
Playstation 5, controller and 2 games for friends 5 kids.

5x 100 cash to in-laws.

Rugs for mom.
Movies for step dad.
Puzzles for dad.
Turtle stuff for Dads fiancé.
Shirt for mamaw.
Collectible figures for wife.
A few toys for little kids.

A couple gifts for my jobless cousin to give to the family in our gift exchange.

80 toward holiday angel - where buy gifts for kids in a needy family.

Another PlayStation 5 for me and wife.
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Staff member
This might be the last “BIG” Christmas our family does. Mom went a little coo-coo with the credit cards*, then got upset with herself for doing so.😂 So next year- and possibly for the foreseeable future- gift cards may become the primary presents, and our list may shrink.

We sent out some gift cards to (literally) distant family members. We designed (and had made) necklaces for a handful of friends & family. Some people got warm throws; some got booze.

I also spent a lot of time in the kitchen**, making a nut & fruit trail mix, bread puddings, a seasoning mix, and Louisiana hot sausage for gifts. Those were slated for friends, family, neighbors and doctors.

We sent each of my (closest) male cousins a pair of Sperry shoes.

On the more charitable side, we got some art supplies and some clothes for some kids through our church’s “Angel Tree” program. Each kid had listed a “Need” and a “Want”, which we covered, and Dad insisted we get each a decent (Texas) winter jacket, so we did.

The one decision I still have to make is whether I give my folks the jewelry I got them on Christmas or on their birthdays, which are just weeks apart in early 2024. It’s either that, or some nifty patriotic t-shirts featuring their favorite animals that I picked up. (I’m leaning towards the jewelry for Christmas.)

* to be clear, while we spent $$$$, we’re also pretty good bargain hunters who shop sales year round, so what we spent got stretched pretty far.

** right now, the house is a wreck, and we’re hosting a small Christmas dinner gathering on Monday. So yes, I’ll be BACK in the kitchen!🤣

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