D&D 5E What do you like about the current adventures from WOTC [+]

Swedish Chef

I've seen individual review threads for the various modules from WOTC, and the commentary ranges quite wildly throughout. So let's put together a thread of the positives for the various adventures.

Lost Mines of Phalander - a solid introductory adventure!
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - I have played this. We enjoyed the story and had fun taking on the cult of the dragon
Rise of Tiamat - we are considering taking our characters from HotDQ and continuing with this one, dependent on the time availability of the DM.
Princes of the Apocalypse - have not played, can not comment
Out of the Abyss - have not played, can not comment
Curse of Strahd - we have done the Strahd adventures twice now, 2nd Ed and 3rd Ed. The story is solid.
Storm King's Thunder - we played through this. Loved battling the giants and delving into intrigue in the background.
Tales from the Yawning Portal - a nice collection of short adventures. Every group can make use of a least a couple of them.
Tomb of Annihilation - have not played so can not comment.
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist - have not played, but a city based adventure is always appreciated. The four seasons idea is an intriguing attempt at re-playability.
Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage - I love a mega dungeon! Even if you don't want to slog through one, your DM can easily lift any individual level for use as a stand alone dungeon!
Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Loosely tied together water-based adventures. Actually fairly well thought out and designed.
Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus - Take the players to the first layer of Hell! The ideas for corruption/selling your soul can really lead to great role-playing for some groups!
Candlekeep Mysteries - another collection of short adventures. Guaranteed a couple will be suitable for your group!

Personally, I own WD: DMM, GoS and BG: DiA. I have run only Avernus so far, but I do want to run GoS as well. I was really excited to run Avernus and received lots of positive feedback from the group for it as well. The players were really invested in their characters and really got into the role play aspect. One willingly sold his PCs soul for power and one actively sought out his patron (he played a warlock) in an attempt to redeem his soul. I did modify Lulu slightly - I made her trapped in a Ring of Mind Shielding that the cleric found, and the player of the cleric did a phenomenal job of talking to the "voice in her head" and revealing the clues that Lulu would espouse.

What are some other positive aspects of these adventures?

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I've seen individual review threads for the various modules from WOTC, and the commentary ranges quite wildly throughout. So let's put together a thread of the positives for the various adventures.

Lost Mines of Phalander - a solid introductory adventure!
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - I have played this. We enjoyed the story and had fun taking on the cult of the dragon
Rise of Tiamat - we are considering taking our characters from HotDQ and continuing with this one, dependent on the time availability of the DM.
Princes of the Apocalypse - have not played, can not comment
Out of the Abyss - have not played, can not comment
Curse of Strahd - we have done the Strahd adventures twice now, 2nd Ed and 3rd Ed. The story is solid.
Storm King's Thunder - we played through this. Loved battling the giants and delving into intrigue in the background.
Tales from the Yawning Portal - a nice collection of short adventures. Every group can make use of a least a couple of them.
Tomb of Annihilation - have not played so can not comment.
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist - have not played, but a city based adventure is always appreciated. The four seasons idea is an intriguing attempt at re-playability.
Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage - I love a mega dungeon! Even if you don't want to slog through one, your DM can easily lift any individual level for use as a stand alone dungeon!
Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Loosely tied together water-based adventures. Actually fairly well thought out and designed.
Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus - Take the players to the first layer of Hell! The ideas for corruption/selling your soul can really lead to great role-playing for some groups!
Candlekeep Mysteries - another collection of short adventures. Guaranteed a couple will be suitable for your group!

Personally, I own WD: DMM, GoS and BG: DiA. I have run only Avernus so far, but I do want to run GoS as well. I was really excited to run Avernus and received lots of positive feedback from the group for it as well. The players were really invested in their characters and really got into the role play aspect. One willingly sold his PCs soul for power and one actively sought out his patron (he played a warlock) in an attempt to redeem his soul. I did modify Lulu slightly - I made her trapped in a Ring of Mind Shielding that the cleric found, and the player of the cleric did a phenomenal job of talking to the "voice in her head" and revealing the clues that Lulu would espouse.

What are some other positive aspects of these adventures?
I only really like Dungeon of the Mad Mage and the compilation books.

Lost Mines of Phalander - DMed this. great introductory adventure

Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Third best 5E adventure I have played. Can get slow at one point, but well put together and good story. Ending feels awesome.

Rise of Tiamat - Second best 5E adventure I have played. Saving the world from Dragons. Has great Epic feel to it and lots of FR lore

Princes of the Apocalypse - DMed some of this. Was not that impressed.

Out of the Abyss - Playing now. Solid game. Ton of magic so don't do this if you want low magic. With the magic we have our 9th level characters can challege demon princes.

Curse of Strahd - have not played

Storm King's Thunder - Started playing 3 times, but game petered out each time as party disolved. I did love it while it lasted though.

Tales from the Yawning Portal - Did not play

Tomb of Annihilation - Currently playing and am level 8. The best adventure I have played. This adventure is awesome. The only negative is the hook has life-or-death urgency for an NPC and at the same time there is a lot to explore. The urgency kind of discourages exploration. This would be better with a different hook or start but the adventure itself is awesome.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist - have not played.

Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage - DMed part of this. It is ok. Great if you want a long dungeon crawl. Not as good if you want a lot of role play

Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Have not played

Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus - Played and loved this adventure. Near equal to TOA. We did have an awesome DM though, not sure I would have liked it as much with an average DM.

Candlekeep Mysteries - Played a few of these. I did not like it much. The adventures are disconnected and at times I did not knwo why I was going on these quests.

I've seen individual review threads for the various modules from WOTC, and the commentary ranges quite wildly throughout. So let's put together a thread of the positives for the various adventures.
I think most of the mods get better as the edition went on. Having said that I wish that the way they did Wild Beyond the Witchlight and Strixhaven could be gone back to curse of strahd (imagine the friend/lover system from stixhaven being allies in the villages) and the rp get around encounter ideas of Wild Beyond the Witchlight

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