I put a huge variety but the truest answer is "it depends on the campaign."
While i generally prefer milestone (generally 1 level per mini story arc) when i use xp i use it to help provide a mechanical way to reinforce the type of campaign I want. If I want a campaign focused on monster hunting I'll probably award xp per monster killed with a bonus for certain boss monsters, if its a hexcrawl/exploration campaign I'll probably give no combat xp but give xp for discovering locations and secrets, If i run an adventure path from paizo I award xp for hitting the story beats, if i run a pirate campaign I might reward 1 xp per gold piece, etc.
Xp is generally useful as a way to mechanically tell players "here are the things that are important to this campaign/story.
While i generally prefer milestone (generally 1 level per mini story arc) when i use xp i use it to help provide a mechanical way to reinforce the type of campaign I want. If I want a campaign focused on monster hunting I'll probably award xp per monster killed with a bonus for certain boss monsters, if its a hexcrawl/exploration campaign I'll probably give no combat xp but give xp for discovering locations and secrets, If i run an adventure path from paizo I award xp for hitting the story beats, if i run a pirate campaign I might reward 1 xp per gold piece, etc.
Xp is generally useful as a way to mechanically tell players "here are the things that are important to this campaign/story.