What does RAW stand for?


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S'mon said:
RAW is the fearsome god of Law who rules the Rules Forum. Appeals to His terrible name are made by His acolytes in their battles against the heathen invaders from the terrible Chaos realms of the House Rules.

Ehh..are we talking about Hypersmurf?


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First Post
IronWolf said:
A join date of July 2002, hhhmmm.... ;)

Yes please notice that my number of posts is fairly small. I've been away since November 2002 or so. The acronym "RAW" was not used frequently before I left.


I'm glad somebody besides me asked this question and got ridiculed for it, since we both apparently committed the crime of not having been around the boards for a while.


First Post
galaga88 said:
I'm glad somebody besides me asked this question and got ridiculed for it, since we both apparently committed the crime of not having been around the boards for a while.




First Post
galaga88 said:
I'm glad somebody besides me asked this question and got ridiculed for it, since we both apparently committed the crime of not having been around the boards for a while.
You don't get ridiculed for asking questions. You get ridiculed for how you ask them. Such as: ask a question, provide the answer yourself in the same post, then insult a bunch of people while you're at it. It is, by definition, a troll; and that's what got ridiculed.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Infiniti2000 said:
It is, by definition, a troll
That's a house rule. The RAW definition of troll is:
Monster Manual 3.5, page 247:
Trolls are horrid carnivores found in all climes, from arctic wastelands to tropical jungles.

More seriously, the "troll" label is thrown around way too casually lately. If you don't like a thread, you may feel free not to read it and instead check out the thousands of others on these boards.


First Post
Infiniti2000 said:
You don't get ridiculed for asking questions. You get ridiculed for how you ask them. Such as: ask a question, provide the answer yourself in the same post, then insult a bunch of people while you're at it. It is, by definition, a troll; and that's what got ridiculed.

Who exactly are you under the misimpression that I insulted?


I think there has been a misunderstanding, and everyone should just move on.

I know that when I have a question, I often put out possible answers- sometimes one of them is even the correct one. That's what Tyrrell did.

Tyrell, the first answer you gave was correct, and the other ones were sorta sarcastic/funny. So it looked like you knew what the answer was. So why would someone ask a question if they seem to know the answer already? Maybe you were trying to make a joke? The date joined made it seem like you are an old-timer, and so you that seemed to be the best bet. Then when you said you didn't know it seemed like you were trying to waste people's time and draw them out into unnecessary discussion. That could be construed as a trolling kind of post.

So it was a coincidence and some misleading circumstantial evidence. And some of us might have been too quick to judge. But I really hope that there will be no hard feelings from anyone about this.

ENWorld is generally a very friendly board, really, but there are occasional breakdowns in communication.

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