D&D General What does the mundane high level fighter look like? [+]


A high level fighter should just be death incarnate to anything more than a level or two below them. Just, every attack is like 'save versus death' and every time you try to escape or cast a spell in their reach it triggers two AoOs and an ongoing penalty. Imagine being attacked by Muhammad Ali but he's twice as powerful and carrying a giant sword. It would be utterly overwhelming. All of these '+2 to this' and 'have your second choice fighting style as well' type bonuses are just too small.

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I think the real thing to add is a lot of non combat abilities that are generic enough to be used for many things.

A 1st level wizard, for example, has charm person. It can be used in combat, but also can be used nearly any time. Any time the wizard has any encounter with an NPC they can attempt to charm them.

The fighter needs and ability like that....but a mundane one.


I think the real thing to add is a lot of non combat abilities that are generic enough to be used for many things.

A 1st level wizard, for example, has charm person. It can be used in combat, but also can be used nearly any time. Any time the wizard has any encounter with an NPC they can attempt to charm them.

The fighter needs and ability like that....but a mundane one.

"I am going to use my Persuasion skill on this NPC." ?


I think a fair and good question to ask first in a fantasy world what does mundane mean? Does the world/reality you are in change that? Does mundanity "lose its grip" as you level or to put it another way does becoming a "hero" "champion" mean something more than title like a change in the state of being?


"I am going to use my Persuasion skill on this NPC." ?
Well.....first of all the wizard can do that.

But a skill use does not really come close to a spell.

*The skill has lots of modifiers and limits. The charm spell has nearly none.
*Skills have lots of rules and often need an opposed roll. The charm spell has a only a save.
*Skills need a point, ability and 'build' to be effective. The charm spell is 100% always effective.
*The skill last a minute or so...or less. The charm lasts a whole hour(more in 3x)


what a higher level mundane fighter would look like

The Fighter class itself only represents a small sliver of what a warrior is.
It is a raw D&Dism.
As is, it is a slow walking tank. The trope of the Might Glacier.

The question is, should the high level fighter encompass other warrior tropes?
Fast Skirmishers? Mounted Cavaliers? Agile Duelists? Skilled Mercenaries? Valiant Knights? Tactical Generals? Inspiring Squadleaders? Honarable Warrior Castes?



The Fighter class itself only represents a small sliver of what a warrior is.
It is a raw D&Dism.
As is, it is a slow walking tank. The trope of the Might Glacier.

The question is, should the high level fighter encompass other warrior tropes?
Fast Skirmishers? Mounted Cavaliers? Agile Duelists? Skilled Mercenaries? Valiant Knights? Tactical Generals? Inspiring Squadleaders? Honarable Warrior Castes?
Only casters are allowed to have more than one class to differentiate differing methods. Here have a subclass that pretends to do it all but with no flavor/character/personality. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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