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What does your ENWorld name mean?

Man in the Funny Hat. It's a reference to a line from Willy Wonka (the good version with the inimitable Gene Wilder.) It also fits because I like hats and almost always wear one. People don't wear enough hats.

The name I was using before was "D+1" which was secretly a clue to... a secret. But I never told anybody there was a secret, nor that the name was a clue. I got tired of it and MitFH sounded better.

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I wanted to use "DnD" in it in some way. DrunkoNDuty fit both for this and my life style.

Although I don't achieve this state so much now as I am no longer a bartender.



When I first ventured online, I needed a name. I figured all the good names from various SF universes were already taken, so like a lot of posters in this thread, I dipped into my D&D campaign. However, egotist that I am, I didn't settle for the name of a PC or NPC.

Nope, only the name of one of the gods from my campaign was good enough. :D

Orius was the god of magic and knowledge in my 3rd campaign world (later recycled into my 5th). Naturally I chose this name because of my supreme nerdiness, and because in RPGs I like playing the wizard whenever possible. Unfortunately, the name gets taken every now and then, and in the old days, I'd use the_real_orius defiantly. These days I just stick a 3 on the end of it, because 3 is the greatest number ever.


Siberys is one of the dragons in Eberron's creation myth. I'm a huge Eberron nerd, so when I first registered on the Wizards boards in late 2004, I used that. I've used it ever since. Unfortunately, people have a terrible tendency to misspell it Syberis, much like the seeming compunction to misspell Eberron as Ebberon. :rant:

If Siberys is ever taken, I use dragonabove instead (if you know Eberron, the reason is obvious).

I also use astralArchivist (in relation to a comic I read), and, more recently, Widget (my initials are WJT... Fairly straightforward).


First Post
the two ends of the spectrum, the divinity and base mortality in all of us.... and I was high and listening to the Door's "Peace Frog" when I first needed an internet nickname many a year ago.


Tymophil is the name of my very first character for Dungeons & Dragons, the very first roleplaying game I played.

He was a half-elf ranger, created in 1981. He got murdered by a Dungeon master that our club had invited for a one shot where the DM killed all the player-characters by telling us that "time was up"...


First Post
It's the name I use in one of my other geeky hobbies, the SCA. Which came about because I started out interested in archery so St. Sebastian (martyred by arrows) and Elgar (which means elf-spear, arrows of a sort)


Skredli the Ogre is a secondary character in the book "Bitter Gold Hearts" by Glen Cook. He ends up getting killed at the end. When I was making an ogre character for GURPS, this name popped immediately to mind. I use this name for all of the RPG/fantasy boards I go on and it's even my gmail address.

Another cool thing is that, for a while anyway, my wife was using the name Donni Pell, who is Skredli's human girlfriend.

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