What games, currently, have your interest?

Greg K

The thread about D&D 5e interest, got me thinking about games that, currently, do have my interest and wondering what games, currently, have the interest of others.
For myself,
  • Superhero RPGs
    • Icons: Assembled Edition
    • Mutants & Masterminds 3e/ DC Adventures/ and the upcoming Valiant Adventures
    • BASH: Ultimate Edition
  • Savage Worlds
  • Barbarians of Lemura and variants
    • Everywhen
      • Sword & Sorcery Codex
    • Honor + Intrigue (Basic Action Games)
  • Black Star (Lakeside Games), Magnum Fury (Lakeside Games), and Six-Gun Fury (Lakeside Games): I am waiting for more genre variants by the author of these games.
  • Outgunned (Two Little Mice): It will probably be a while before I get this as I missed the KIckstarter, but I like the Quickstart preview of the game and previews of both the Action Flick and World of Killers supplements. It also makes me want to check out Broken Compass from CMON (and also designed by Two Little Mice).
  • Awfully Cheerful Engine (EN Publishing): I was (and am) a big fan of WEG's Ghostbusters.
  • Stranger Stuff (Tinyd6) by Fat Goblin Games: my favorite of the Tinyd6 games
  • d6 Star Wars, Spycraft 1e, Spycraft 2e, Everyday Heroes: as reference/ideas for Black Star, Magnum Fury and Outgunned.
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My list's a lot shorter, not roleplaying much right now owing to personal stuff.

The Sentinel Comics RPG still tops my current interest list despite increasing frustration with the publisher. I've been fiddling around with its distant cousin Cortex again, although I doubt much will come of it. And a couple of recent games have re-ignited my nostalgia for Traveller (LBB and GURPS, primarily) and of all things, Star Frontiers/Knight Hawks.

Also trying to process the apparently complete and permanent collapse of the Thousand Thousand Islands IP, which was part of what I was looking at Cortex for.

Though not an exhaustive list, my Savage Worlds Eberron campaign will be ending soon and I’ll be running smaller scenarios in these other games:

  • Dragonbane
  • Mythras/Mythras Classic Fantasy
  • Swords of the Serpentine
  • Mothership
  • Delta Green
  • Night’s Black Agents
  • Traveller
  • Pirate Borg
  • Shadow of the Weird Wizard

I don't have a big long list like many of you, but I have watched a couple Dungeon Coach videos on his upcoming DC20 RPG, and it's certainly caught my interest. A lot of his ideas are ideas I've had about D&D, so it's really interesting to see that I'm not alone in my thinking.

With that said, I'm not a game designer so who knows if these ideas are any good or not. I'll be keeping an eye out on it though.

Other than that I'm also keeping an eye on the MCDM RPG. Not because I want to play it, but because I want it to end up being really good and I'd like to see all the people calling it a grift seethe.

I am still in the process of tryig to learn Pathfinde 2E well enough to have it replace 5E as my go-to D&D fantasy game. I also run Shadowdark as often as I get a chance. I am also running a monthly Fallout 2d20 game.

As to games that have my attention from a "I hope I get to play/run it soon" the foremost is The One Ring 2E because Moria should be fulfilling soon-ish.

I am still in the process of tryig to learn Pathfinde 2E well enough to have it replace 5E as my go-to D&D fantasy game. I also run Shadowdark as often as I get a chance. I am also running a monthly Fallout 2d20 game.

As to games that have my attention from a "I hope I get to play/run it soon" the foremost is The One Ring 2E because Moria should be fulfilling soon-ish.
Are you enjoying Fallout? I picked it up while it was on sale, but I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to run/play it

Are you enjoying Fallout? I picked it up while it was on sale, but I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to run/play it
I like the 2d20 system. Fallout is an okay implementation of it. My big complaint is that it started out as specifically a Fallout 4 TTRPG, but more recent supplements have helped broaden it. All that said, i think there are equally enjoyable ways to play a Fallout game, including using Savage Worlds or (if you want the crunch) d20 Modern/Future/Apocalyopse.

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