What happened?

Manzanita said:
Let's have another shot at the treasure. I don't expect perfect parity, but I do think we should give an honest effort to distribute it fairly. I was hoping to hear from Dr Z about how much Latherion wants to armor. Please chime in everyone. Say if you want to keep anything in particular, and what you want to sell.

12 potions of CLW (300 gps value)
a scroll of bulls strength & delay poison (150) SELL
eternal wand of CLW (410)
2400 gps +2400 reward = 4800 gps
3 heward's handy haversacks (3000)
chain shirt +1 (625)
scroll of gust of wind (75) SELL
each gets a pin in the shape of a gatekeeper rune providing +1 sacred bonus against special abilities of aberations also
a potion of invisibility (Raven)(150)
MW byeshk handaxe (Raven) (753) SELL
Siobhan's blessing to turn into a snake one/day (150?)
9 bane sling bullets (720) SELL
MW Byeshk Battle axe (Latherion)(755)

Total treasure value: 11,888

by 6 gives 1981.33.

By person
Raven: 2 potions of CLW, potion of invisibility, chain shirt? handy haversack?
Siobhan: 2 potions of CLW, wand of eternal CLW (split w/Raven, Stulgar & Lilly)
Stulgar: 2 potions of CLW
Lilly: 2 potions of CLW, handy haversack
Seat: 2 potions of CLW
Latherion:: 2 potions of CLW, chain shirt?
From that, it looks like Stulgar, Lily, and Raven want the Handy Haversack. Siobhan has not too much need for CLW potions (others should carry them so they can use them most easily), but she'll take the whole 410 cost of the CLW Eternal Wand. The part she would like to split is the proffered CMW Eternal Wand that the patron will let us buy for 2460.

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Ok, after doing the math, I think it's better if Siobhan takes the Haversack, as Stulgar needs some armor, as his AC is dangerously low without it (16, possibly up or down 2 depending on his state of mind). A Mithril chain shirt will help fix that, and with a strength stat bost and drop in armor weight, he's better off.

Bront said:
Ok, after doing the math, I think it's better if Siobhan takes the Haversack, as Stulgar needs some armor, as his AC is dangerously low without it (16, possibly up or down 2 depending on his state of mind). A Mithril chain shirt will help fix that, and with a strength stat bost and drop in armor weight, he's better off.
Siobhan can't really afford to take it if she wants to pay the full price of the CLW Eternal wand and go splitsies on the CMW Eternal Wand. If he will also split the CLW Eternal Wand with her, she can afford the Haversack (which she'll be giving to Stulgar anyway, though). I feel kind of sad for Siobhan that after her third adventure she will actually still have no treasure except for a set of healing wands to use for the party.

Solange said:
Is the 1981.33 including the CLW potions?

Yes. Each of those counts towards 25 gps of your share. If Raven's getting the armor, she might not be able to afford a haversack either. Dr. Z & Someone seems to have abandoned this thread. Speak up, you two, or you 'll get the dregs of the treasure! (or just cash, I guess)

Manzanita said:
Yes. Each of those counts towards 25 gps of your share. If Raven's getting the armor, she might not be able to afford a haversack either. Dr. Z & Someone seems to have abandoned this thread. Speak up, you two, or you 'll get the dregs of the treasure! (or just cash, I guess)
Maybe they want Raven to take their share? :)

Manzanita said:
I'm sure that's what they want in their heart of hearts.
Latharion must feel guilty for leaving behind that treasure chest at the end of The Funeral and sticking us with no treasure ;) Of course, I'm sure the whole bargaining-for-Raven's-body-with-Ceshil thing would have preempted that anyway. Some day in the future, Siobhan is going to actually get to keep a personal enhancement item and not a charged healing item, I just know it :o

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