I think this has dragged on long enough, & I'd like to go ahead & have Raven claim her share. If anyone would contest her selection, please speak up.
Raven will take the chain shirt (625), a handy haversack (1000) & 2 potions of CLW (50). Of her total share of 1981.33, that leaves 306.33 gps in cash. Raven would also like the invisibility potion, but I'm willing to put the rest of the cash towards an eternal wand.
Raven really does want the armor. And, as Stonegod noted, her load is inching into medium, which I'd very much like to avoid, so I'm pretty keen to keep a haversack as well.
She can also sell her MW chain shirt for 125 . I need to figure out how much gold she has before the treasure split. My log is a bit sloppy. I'll post again.