One D&D probably not gonna do it for me. Looking at pklaytest it's just gonna be a dumped down 5E evolution. I'm not after a 5E clone produced by WotC, Kobold Press or anyone else.
I do kinda want an evolution of D&D from 5E but probably in a slightly different direction.
From 5E I woukd keep the skill system, the archetype concept and probably feats as optional. If you're going to use feats probably I prefer the concept of microfeats combined with more modern feat design style vs 3E and 4E +1 type feats.
Other things would include easier to run. Thus means to me overhauling the monsters. The CR system is borked and doesn't really work along with the encounter guidelines.
Hit point bloat also needs to go. Saving throws need an overhaul as well especially on the monster side.
I would also like a grittier game reduce the encounters expection to 1-3 which most people seem to be doing anyway. Energy drain could come back (exhaustion levels vs level liss/max hp loss), exhaustion level if reduced to 0 hp.
Spell immunity a'la rakshasa (lvl 1-3, 1-6 and 1-9 depending on monster). Spell/magic resistance could also return d20 roll vs static number eg 6/11/16 roll that number or higher (add proficiency bonus to roll idk).
Arcane gish type classes need a tweak hands free casting a'la Warcaster feat or something like bladesinger AC buff if one handing.
They've identified the -5/+10 feats as a problem take it a bit further as they were so good due 5E low ACs and hit point bloat.
I do kinda want an evolution of D&D from 5E but probably in a slightly different direction.
From 5E I woukd keep the skill system, the archetype concept and probably feats as optional. If you're going to use feats probably I prefer the concept of microfeats combined with more modern feat design style vs 3E and 4E +1 type feats.
Other things would include easier to run. Thus means to me overhauling the monsters. The CR system is borked and doesn't really work along with the encounter guidelines.
Hit point bloat also needs to go. Saving throws need an overhaul as well especially on the monster side.
I would also like a grittier game reduce the encounters expection to 1-3 which most people seem to be doing anyway. Energy drain could come back (exhaustion levels vs level liss/max hp loss), exhaustion level if reduced to 0 hp.
Spell immunity a'la rakshasa (lvl 1-3, 1-6 and 1-9 depending on monster). Spell/magic resistance could also return d20 roll vs static number eg 6/11/16 roll that number or higher (add proficiency bonus to roll idk).
Arcane gish type classes need a tweak hands free casting a'la Warcaster feat or something like bladesinger AC buff if one handing.
They've identified the -5/+10 feats as a problem take it a bit further as they were so good due 5E low ACs and hit point bloat.