D&D 5E What is ARCADIA?

ARCADIA has joined the ranks of online D&D magazines; this one is from Matt Colville's company, MCDM. The e-zine is being launched today or tomorrow (it should appear on MCDM's store for $7 at some point), and the first issue contains new rules for mounts, an adventure, a sorcerer subclass, and a pair of celestial villains. Take a peek!

ARCADIA has joined the ranks of online D&D magazines; this one is from Matt Colville's company, MCDM. The e-zine is being launched today or tomorrow (it should appear on MCDM's store for $7 at some point), and the first issue contains new rules for mounts, an adventure, a sorcerer subclass, and a pair of celestial villains. Take a peek!




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Dire Bare

The return of printed magazines for RPGs really warms my heart. I was devastated when I found out Rolled & Told was going on permanent hiatus. I got so many awesome ideas from that magazine.
I picked up the first hardcover anthology for Rolled & Told, and the second is on my wish list. Sad to hear the magazine is going under.

I fantasize about a return to print for Dragon Magazine . . . . but it seems that print magazines are difficult to make work nowadays. What I really liked about Rolled & Told was how beautiful the magazines were to page through, both with graphic design and the artwork. The new Arcadia magazine looks very beautiful as well with gorgeous design and artwork.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
It's certain a gorgeous magazine, if nothing else. The tight focus on good content is also good. (I trust Colville's editorial direction generally.)

At that price point, it's comparable to getting a few PDFs from DMs Guild/Drive-Thru RPG. Do people prefer pre-curated content in a magazine over getting things a la carte, or is is the physical object of a magazine they're missing?

Voidrunner's Codex

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