What is the Highest Level You Have Reached From Level 1?

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D&D 3.5 - Had a cleric / rogue multi class that I was gunning for the Shadowbane Stalker PrC. Barely made it to 10th level before the group went belly up.

13 in a long 3.5 game. We went through periods of low magic to high and back. There was at least one timeskip (although it wasn't the type where the PCs gained levels, but the type where they literally traveled forward in time, a one-way trip).

11 in 4th Edition.

In first edition AD&D - I had a couple up in the high 20s. Started at first - this took a decade.
In third edition I had a pair (solo game, I played 2 characters) for from 1st to 23 or 24 or so.
Pathfinder (which I started playing fairly recently) is up to 4th.


A game that started under house-ruled-beyond-recognition 2E and ended under 3.5 (note - I do NOT recommend changing systems in mid-campaign like that, and wouldn't do it again) reached about level 16.

Lord Ernie

First Post
My first campaign ever took my elven sorcerer from 1st all the way to... 15-16th, I think. College campaign, playing once per week, it didn't take us all that long. Started 3.0 Ed, transferred to 3.5 Ed (I remember my poor elf being very disappointed with the haste nerf). It was our first experience with D&D, so there were some oddities; I distinctly remember we at first thought every character could only move 5 ft per turn, and our DM at the time completely misunderstood what Challenge Rating meant, so we faced a CR equal to our level about once/day. Makes me feel nostalgic, even though at the time, a lot of it was frustrating. :)

My current 4th Ed campaign has been running for 3+ years, with sessions about once every two weeks; I switch the DM seat with a buddy of mine. A couple of characters have changed over the course of the campaign (character deaths, retirement, etc.), but we've taken it from 1st level to 21st now, and are still going. Hopefully, we'll end it in about another year when we reach 30.

Voidrunner's Codex

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