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What is the most damage you've ever seen a character do in one round?


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Quixon said:
The Increased Crit Mult. ability and the Ki strike ability CAN'T be used together-says so in the Sword & Fist, page 39 under the Ki Damage entry-says "cannot be used if you have rolled a successful critical".

Okay, so he wasted a shot of his "Ki Strike" and shouldn't have gotten the damage. Apparently neither the player or the DM knew this...

And it wasn't my character, so I didn't really care. :) It was still a very impressive round of attacks.

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2. I and R. A. Salvatore had pretty much the same idea about how to make an rules-abusive Drow. The DM even let me Double Specialize in Short Sword and wield 2 of them (which resulted in 3/2 attacks with two weapons, or 3 attacks per round).

That's all by-the-book legal.

The crit tables are House Rules, of course.



Not so amazing, but in a one shot I DMed once the dwarven raging barbarian 3 -fighter 4 cleaved in two a stone-skinned 12-lvl sorcerer with a well placed critical hit (over 60 hit points). The sorcerer would have had to make a ST versus massive damage, but he was dead anyway.


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Massive player damage

I had a player in our game roll four succesive 20', wich in our game signifies a death blow.( insert descriptive nasty death scene following rolls.)
He was so excited that he threw his hands up in the air and lost his grip on the stien he was drinking rockadille red cool aid out of.
The stien flew backwards from the table and smashed into his moms china cabinet were it detroyed all but three of the precious moments that she had collected over the years.
The coolaid also ruined her 2 month old carpet....
The rest of us quickly grabbed our stuff and headed for the door, not wishing for his mom to roll any crits on us.


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In the one-shot epic-level game I refer to in the "How much damage have you seen a character take in one round" thread, my husband played a 25th level ranger/sorcerer/Arcane Archer. I can't remember the specifics, but he had a +5 bow and +5 arrows. Plus he had picked a bunch of archer specific feats (like Many Shot) and could shoot 16 arrows in one round. :eek:

So in just one round, with not even all 16 shots hitting, he did 424 points of damage. Unfortunately it was to a rather nasty hell denzien who just kinda shrugged and went on kicking our butts.



Once upon a time...

... my current character, being a level 9 rogue/deepwood sniper, and his comrades noticed 4 ogres with some levels of barbarian and/or fighter and a couple of bugbears without being noticed by them. They were sitting around a fire, having lunch somewhere on the lowest level of the temple of elemental evil. They were part of the main guards of the temple.
Surprise round: two flaming spheres or flamestrikes -can´t recall exactly- to soften up the bad guys (iirc all of the bugbears died), cast by our druid and wizzard, then my archer shot at the chief ogre, dealing over 50points of damage on a crit and killing him instantly.
First regular round: My character won initiative, then the ogres and then the rest. First attack, again a crit with about 50 points, killed the second ogre. Second attack, third crit in a row, killed the third one with about 50 points. Then, the last ogre landed one swing at the druid, almost killing him, but was finished off very quickly then.



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I remember my buddy dkilgo smackin' my NPC for 220+ damage. One hit. He doesn't even know what smackdown really is.

He scares me.


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My level 20 sorcerer pulled off 6 delayed blast acid balls on a sleeping tarrasque once. 3 of them where empowered. I cast the first one with a 5 round delay, next round with a 4 round delay, you get the picture. Oh, I put him to sleep with eyebite, i love that spell. The final damage was 540 I think. Not bad, eh?

Something close to 150d8 damage.

Eldorian Antar


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A first level PC took 144 points in one hit...

Well, this might not be the most, but I bet it is close to the most for a first level PC in regards to damage taken in one hit.

But, back in 2E days, before d20 laws, we used an unofficial non-D&D supplement for critical hits. It was pretty good and was not too egregious, but it had some wild damage modifiers if you rolled the right number. Most rolls on the chart did not result in more than double damage, however. We make all of our to hit and damage rolls on the table as well – DM included.

First off, we played that a natural 20 was automatic double damage and you then consult the critical hit chart. So, when a first level PC blundered about looking for something in a dark cave (and blunder is the right word) – a wolf leaped out and bit him. The DM rolled a 20 to hit, so double damage. I forget the damage by the bite, but it was either 2d4 or 1d8. But, nonetheless, the DM got max damage there for 8 points. That is doubled due to the 20 to 16 points. The DM then rolled on the critical hit chart (again, in the open) and got the dreaded "00" roll... head severed at neck, 9x damage modifier. So, it was 144 points of damage delivered to a first level PC with one hit.

Needless to say, that PC died.

Voidrunner's Codex

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