D&D General what is the worst race in dnd?

The generic beast-folk race is a sop to people who want to play particular animals that haven't gotten a full write-up yet. Some of them are weirdly missing like dog- or wolf-people, other are genuinely odd like axolotl-people (but I've met people who want to play exactly that).

Having a generic origin helps integrate them; having the origin be based on a plane no one interacts with anyways makes it easy: "you have an ancestor form a place we'll never go anyways" mean you really can just drop them anywhere.

On the other hand - if friendly beast-folk just plain don't fit your vision for the setting, no amount of refluffing is gonna change that.
That plane happens to be the Beastlands. ;)

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Kender. No other race is even close (even if Gully Dwarves are Hall of Shame members)

And no it's not a problem with the players when the rulebook tells the players to play like jerks. Which it does in almost all editions.

And no, "Tasslehoff was a good character therefore the published (pre-5e) kender are good doesn't follow first because a one note joke wears thin, and second because the Kender published in the rules aren't a society Tas could have come from so much as they are a Flanderised version of Tas made even more annoying. In our introduction to Tas we see him pickpocket Flint, then end up not retrieving a dagger with the line "Besides. The dagger was Flint's." Which means Tas does understand private property (unlike the Flanderised write-ups). He's just a troll who enjoys winding his friends up and knows how far he can push them and they know him to be useful and entertaining even if annoying. The sort of person you trust with a sword at your back or to go in alone and scout a dragon's lair even if you can't trust them within quarter of a mile of a custard pie.

Meanwhile the Kender in the books are told to go for it - and that they literally don't understand private property. They're instructed to not know when to back off and to carry the joke far too far. And many of the players aren't good at jokes anyway.

I figured that myself plus asamar have the problem of being without anything to pull from as they have little role play potential past being angle decendents have no darkness, no culture and not a whole lot else.
1st Edition Pathfinder has an accessory called Blood of Angels, which does a decent job of presenting the Aasimar for the Golarion setting. It even expands the number of Celestials an Aasimar could have descended from.

I DID play a Shardmind Battlemind! Or was that a Battleshard MindMind?

Much like the plasmoids are now, and how Tieflings and Dragonborn have become, with a large amount of variety to the artwork (colours, markings, horn-size, etc), the Shardmind (that badly needs a different name) ought to be a wide variety of crystal-like people, rather than an ugly red spikey rock-thing. Had it been so, it might have been more popular. They could bring it back that way, but it was widely known to be the absolute least popular 4e race, so I doubt we'll see it ever again.
... although Shardminds did always remind me of Bizarro in Superman comics.

1st Edition Pathfinder has an accessory called Blood of Angels, which does a decent job of presenting the Aasimar for the Golarion setting. It even expands the number of Celestials an Aasimar could have descended from.
you got the quick version beyond just who your parent is as people who are made of part pure good tend to be boring and hard to get to work?

you got the quick version beyond just who your parent is as people who are made of part pure good tend to be boring and hard to get to work?
1st edition Pathfinder's Blood of Angels covers their Origins and Birth (which covers their Childhood, Adolescence, their Physiology, their relationships with the other races, their view on combat, work, rituals), Geography (within the setting of Golarion), Living and Dying (which covers Old Age, Death, Faith, Friendship and Love, Art, Home), and Class Roles. There is a % table on Variant Aasimar abilities (which replaces their spell-like ability). While most Aasimar do not know exactly where their celestial powers came from, there is a minority who possess a stronger heritage to their Celestial ancestor. There are 6 distinct heritages in this book: Agathion-Blessed (Idyllkin), Angel-Blooded (Angelkin), Archon-blooded (Lawbringers), Azata-Blooded (Musetouched), Garuda-Blooded (Plumekith) and Peri-Blooded (Emberkin). There is a small selection of Celestial feats for the Aasimar, Aasimar-related features for Pathfinder's Oracle, Inquisitor and Cleric classes, the sorcerer's Martyred Bloodline, and a bunch of half-feats.

Blood of Angels is about 32 pages long. Definitely not a quick version of the Aasimar.

1st edition Pathfinder's Blood of Angels covers their Origins and Birth (which covers their Childhood, Adolescence, their Physiology, their relationships with the other races, their view on combat, work, rituals), Geography (within the setting of Golarion), Living and Dying (which covers Old Age, Death, Faith, Friendship and Love, Art, Home), and Class Roles. There is a % table on Variant Aasimar abilities (which replaces their spell-like ability). While most Aasimar do not know exactly where their celestial powers came from, there is a minority who possess a stronger heritage to their Celestial ancestor. There are 6 distinct heritages in this book: Agathion-Blessed (Idyllkin), Angel-Blooded (Angelkin), Archon-blooded (Lawbringers), Azata-Blooded (Musetouched), Garuda-Blooded (Plumekith) and Peri-Blooded (Emberkin). There is a small selection of Celestial feats for the Aasimar, Aasimar-related features for Pathfinder's Oracle, Inquisitor and Cleric classes, the sorcerer's Martyred Bloodline, and a bunch of half-feats.

Blood of Angels is about 32 pages long. Definitely not a quick version of the Aasimar.
I was asking for you to summarise the lore of it?

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