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What is this place (Help me tell a story)

Hand of Evil

In the lines Buttercup's 'who is this guy' I want to know what is this place. Not sure where I pickeed up the pic but I love it and want to use in in my game.

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First Post
could be...

The city of Abriymoch on Phlegethos, the fourth layer of the Nine Hells:

This city of hardened magma, obsidian, and crystal squats in the caldera of an almost extinct volcano. Abriymoch’s foundation is said to be the grave of a deity slain by Asmodeus. The city offers some protection from the fiery environment of the rest of Phlegethos, but even so, certain quarters are open to the raging flame. A legion of more then five thousand hamatula devils resides here, a force kept in reserve should a demon attack pierce this far into the Nine Hells. A pit fiend named Gazra commands the hamatula devils, but he directly answers to the Lords of the Fourth.

Few who visit Belial's city of Abriymoch are even aware that he lives there. Gazra's mighty fortress of crystal statues is obvious, as is the palace of jagged obsidian in which Lady Naome dwells. Those who ask about the presence in the volcano are told only of the Lord of Pain and Suffering, said to be an ancient deity slain by the Overlord of Baator eons ago.
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Wraith Form

Hand of Evil said:
In the lines Buttercup's 'who is this guy' I want to know what is this place. Not sure where I pickeed up the pic but I love it and want to use in in my game.
Hand, is there a web site that has a bigger version of this pic? I can barely see what the flying creatures are, and losing details of the city itself.

Even if you want to email me a bigger version, that's cool. My addy is:



Magic Slim

First Post
Bahim Najameh, The city at the Mighty Desert's Mouth.

This great city lies at the western entrance of the Gohamin Desert. It is a big city, that has grown much in its long lifetime. Desert dwellers fled the harsh sun and established themselves in the city. Merchants congregate before attempting to pass the Mighty Desert.

Even with its bustling activity, it is a city of learning because it is a city of diversity. Sages meditate while contemplating the setting sun.

Another particularity of this city is the end of the Najameh river ("Bahim" standing for "end" or "disappearance") in the old desert tongue, where it dives into the bowels of the earth, never to resurface.

Because of the Diving River, the city also attracts many adventures, who venture deep beneath the earth, since according to the legends, the treasure of every ship sunk in the river is carried to where the river ends.


That is the ancient city of Machone, City of the Mists.

Seat of the Ul’Humar Empire, or better known as the Empire of the Giants. It was built 1000 years ago by the giants at the top of the Falls of Repi. It was at this site that the great giant hero Laresk, first Emperor of Ul’Humar defeated the mighty demon Welgosh. At these falls Laresk built his fortress to forever guard against those that would seek to harm the giants.

As time wore on the city grew as giants migrated towards this seat of safety in their mountainous home. At first it was only farmers and peasants that came. Selling their goods to Laresk and his men. Soon the amount of food produced outstripped what could be eaten and Laresk began selling the extra to others within the giant lands. So now came the merchants with their caravans and their proxies. Finally, iron deposits were found within the hills and brought tradesmen to mine smelt and work the metal.

It was at this time that the great aqueducts and dams were constructed. The falls had always been used to provide drinking water, and to power the mills. Now it was harnessed to power the great forges and smelters. The city encompasses both sides of the falls connected by numerous bridges. The great dam has harnessed the falls to move water throughout the city to where it is needed and to spin the great clockwork wheels used through the city.

The city is also home to the elite Order of the Sun. This group of knights are the defenders of the giant people and their last line of defense when the darkness rises. These defenders mark giants of steel and magic amongst their numbers. The Order is the only way to learn the secrets of the Giant Defenders. These giants exemplify the ideal of sacrifice for the good of others. The Giant Defenders are trained to act as shields for their charges. Whether this is the citizens of the city in war, or it is an heir to the throne. This training takes place in the hallowed Hall of the Sun, said to be the first building completed by Laresk himself.

The buildings within the city are all constructed of stone, seamlessly made using the giants knowledge of elemental earth magic. Each building is stunning in it shear size, constructed to accommodate the giants. While they lack the ornamentation of some human cities, when the sun sets behind the city and bathes it in its golden glow, even the most jaded will admit to its asture beauty.

Laresk never lived to see the ultimate greatness of his city. He died 50 years after the completion of his great fortress defending it against the red dragon Kelmon. Kelmon was driven from the fortress by the giants stubborn defense. It is said he holds a grudge to this day against the arrogant usurpers of his land. Laresk’s line has continued unbroken since that time. Ruling the Empire, and guiding their people wisely down through the ages.

Rumors surface from time to time of a great darkness harbored within the city. The claim that Laresk didn’t defeat the demon Welgosh, instead this mighty power form the pit was only bound within a huge blue crystal.This cystal is said to have been cut by the last of the great cystal carvers a 1000 years before the coming of Laresk. The cystal is kept within the lowest levels of the Keep and guarded by an elite guard of Giant Defenders. The power that holds this demon is said to wan every few years and the demon can begin to reach beyond his prison and cause strife within the Empire. At this time the royal family must pick on of their number to sacrifice in a bloody ritual to maintain the prisons power.

What do you think Hand?

(Sorry if its's rough, I'm at work and doing this as I try to fly out the door. :rolleyes: I'll polish it up later.)

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Hand of Evil

Wraith Form said:
Hand, is there a web site that has a bigger version of this pic? I can barely see what the flying creatures are, and losing details of the city itself.

Even if you want to email me a bigger version, that's cool. My addy is:


I wish there was or that I knew of one, I have made it my desktop, using stretch and it still looks nice but everything has a dusty look to it.

The birds could be anything from crows/eagles to dragons.


Princess of Florin
Ah, well I remember the misty skies above the ancient city of temples, Urakaeme. Though I left its crumbling streets many years ago, the smells and sounds come easily to the forefront of my mind. The chanting monks of Lurial, the smell of roasting meats on feast days, the tinkling bells on the palanquins of the priestesses of Noeme, the strangely spicy scent of the tame Rakmets that flitted through the air above the ramparts and domes, even the muddy stink of the healing springs; all these are bound up with my youth as an acolyte of Dajao, Most Glorious Lord of Sunlight and Shadows.

Harsh and beautiful Urakaeme, which meant “topaz” in the old tongue that few now remember. It was built over and around 53 hot springs, the waters of which soothed and healed many infirmities of mind and body. The rising steam from the springs filled the air with an eternal, mineral laden fog, slightly yellow in color. It coated windows, trees, everything. One of my first jobs at the Temple of Sun & Shadow was to scour the courtyard mosaic, over and over again, to keep the colors true. But my mind wanders. Forgive an old man.

We thought Urakaeme would last forever. After all, had it not been built over 1200 years ago, after the great Conclave of the Just, when the high priests of all 12 deities of the good and true decided to pool their resources in the fight against the encroaching darkness of He-who-we-do-not-name? Alas, because we thought it would last forever, we did not take heed to the signs of doom approaching, as we might have done. We did not act in time. And so all was lost, all! Lost to the depredations of the evil one and his undead army of thousands.

I was young, and so my temple ordered me, and 26 others, to flee, and attempt to reestablish ourselves in a new land, across a trackless ocean. And so I was not there at the end. But I often wonder, do the Rakmets still flit around the abandoned towers and domes of my beloved Urakaeme?
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Nice Buttercup.

I love the first person description. That would make a wonderful tale told by the old hermit in the woods about the ruined city the characters are on their way to visit. Or as a line to get them to visit one. Mind if I yoink it? :D

My AU campaign is coming along nicely, and what I wrote is going to be the kernal that makes up the Kingdom of the giants. If I can ever get my group back together it shoudl be very memorable. :rolleyes: (The game that is, not getting them together :p )

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