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What is your favorite story hour - and Why?


Knightfall1972 recently put up a poll asking who your favorite Story Hour writer was, but I noticed it left out some of the lesser newer Story Hours.

So, how about this...

Rather than lock you in to some of the more well known Story Hours, I'll leave wide open -

Which Story Hour is your favorite - and, more importantly, why is it your favorite? Is is plot? Or action? Or Characters? Or does the Story Hour have teh funny?

Let's hear it!
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It's so frustrating to me that there are so many good story hours, and not enough time for me to read all of them! I lurk on a half dozen or so, occasionally post on four or five more, but I find I'm dropping in and reading a whole lot at once than I am reading each update every day. Anyone else do this, or am I just odd?


First Post
I don't know how people find time to read and post at all. I have a hard enough time keeping up with our own story hour (link in the sig). I wish I could because I've tried to start reading some of them and they are great reads, but can't make the time to keep up.


First Post
No, I agree. It's hard to keep up with them all (especially if you write your own story hour, which takes up tons of time!) But, I read posts like I read my comics...I wait for a few to pile up then read a chunk of them at once! :)


Piratecat said:
It's so frustrating to me that there are so many good story hours, and not enough time for me to read all of them! I lurk on a half dozen or so, occasionally post on four or five more, but I find I'm dropping in and reading a whole lot at once than I am reading each update every day. Anyone else do this, or am I just odd?

I do it too. Once I read through to current on the "big three" (yours, Sagiro's, and Wulf's), I began a campaign to systematically read every story hour that hooked me, one at a time, in linear fashion. I read Sepulchrave's front to back (my favorite to date, but I'm into the intellectual content), then I started (contact)'s whole business with his ToEE2, which I am still chortling through. Not sure what I'm going to tackle next!


ForceUser said:
Not sure what I'm going to tackle next!

You could always try mine ;)

I have been trying to read some of the others since I first started doing my own a couple months ago. I gotta admit the longer ones are daunting to begin, but of the ones I have read portions of so far, my favorites (other than my own :p) are Wulf's and Abertons. (I haven't tried PCs or Sepulchraves yet.) I like the characters and the format in which the stories are presented. I like less (not dislike but just like less) those storyhours that read more of a game log than a true story.


First Post
Well, I've been reading The Heretic of Wyre, PC's storyhour and cthuluftangn's RTTTOEE. I look forward to trying some of the others but there is only so much time!

Anyway, I'd like to say that story hour is one of the best innovations on the boards


I love the jonrog's darkmatter d20 one; I've liked that setting since it was first in rumors, I helped playtest it, and that game reads like a good novel or movie transcript. The fact that the series pilot on USA by him was awesome is just a free bonus.

Piratecat's story and the DoD early days are tremendously engaging.

I'd have to say my most recent favorite is the Heretic of Wyre series- I started reading those sunday night, and ended up going to work on 2 hours of sleep as a result. I'm dumb :)


World of Kulan DM
I'm fairly choosy about which Story Hour's I read. If you try to read too many at once it can hurt your brain. I'm completely addicted to P'Cat's Defenders thread and Bandeeto's Early Years one as well. I've resisted reading P'Cat's Scarred Land thread so far.

The other main story hour that can sucked me in is Taboo's From Slave to Heroes in the Making thread. Taboo's got some good stuff.

I read a bit of drnuncheon's Freeport Story Hour Book One. But haven't got hooked on it yet.

I'm thinking I might start reading one of Wulf's Story Hours but I'm not sure which thread to begin with.

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