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What is your gaming white whale?


For games I'd like to run or play, it's Pendragon and Ars Magica as games -- I have no campaign or character ideas, but I'm ready to go for either like right now. For a campaign I'd like to run, I'd love to run a Burning Wheel game based on Dwarf Fortress. It's a great starting situation and could go in a lot of interesting places, depending on the characters. For a con, my white whale is Gencon (I'm a simple man with straightforward desires). It's manageable, but I just have to plan for it.
For Pendragon, you could always play The Great Pendragon Campaign! I’ve ordered from DTRPG print-on-demand Rulebook for KAP 5.2e and The GPC. I’m considering trying it solo if I can’t get other players. I’ve wanted to play this for years

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Right now, the real white whale would be a full run the Dracula Dossier (Night's Black Agents). I ran it six years ago, but it only lasted a few months and we finished up with one minor wife of Dracula being staked. As a GM, it was one of the most fun things I've ever run. I loved the system and how it empowered innovating and I loved that it was an improv campaign, so it felt like it was really "my" Dracula Dossier. But I'm very aware that Gumshoe is a system that people seem to either love or hate and it's very hard to find a solid group for such a divisive system, particularly for a campaign that's going to last a year or two.

Fellowship 2e. I have been pretty heroic fantasy burned out from so much D&D 5e and PF2e and I would need a group all as passionate about worldbuilding. I think my Saturday table would be good but I need to wait on wrapping up our PF2e campaign and I would like to try out some other systems (Orbital Blues especially) first since none of us have gotten to do much OSR yet.

Edgar Ironpelt

One campaign idea I've been toying with for some time now is a "Dawn of Creation," aka "There were beings of might in those days - and you are them" game where the PCs are the Eldest Deities at their start and the World Tree is just a sapling. Standard (old school or 3.5) races and classes starting at 1st level - but with very high ability scores and an "elder deity" template of some sort granting a once-per-day access to various epic/divine abilities.

Which the PCs will need because the game world will have earth, sky, the sapling world-tree, and them. They'll have to create everything else, including (and probably starting with) water and fire. (And the sun and moon and stars, and plants and animals, and any hills, mountains or other terrain features beyond flat bare dirt...)

It would be a campaign that answered "Where did the gods come from?" with "You."


To run: an epic Dark Sun game, for players who don't know all the old DS lore, in which we re-do a lot of the storylines and revelations of the Prism Pentad but with the PCs as the heroes this time round.

To run: a Dragonlance game in the spirit of the Dragonlance novels. Big romance, big melodrama, big epic destinies and tragedies. I've mostly got the plot for this one planned out, but i just don't have a group who'd be into that style of play.

To play or run: Warhammer 40k, in a system that I think fits the setting, which neither the FFG books or Wrath and Glory have done. (Mind you, 'fits the setting' is an elusive beast in 40k, because a system that fits a game of high-powered Deathwatch marines, Horus Heresy-era Shattered Legion survivors, or a Rogue Traders elite retinue does not fit a hardscrabble game set in the Necromunda underhive or in a penal Guard battalion)
Cubicle 7 have just released Imperial Maledictum - a crunchy W40k rpg derived from WFRP. It’s certainly
Interesting. I’m very interested to see what they come out with next.

A lot of their Wrath and Glory adventures are very good if they could be combined with a more nuanced system!

My perfect BR game would start as unblooded adventurers before becoming blooded and then getting kingdoms, establishing dynasties, and really changing the world.
In a lot of ways, that's the classic D&D progression that's been lost. I don't want to sound like some "back in my day" grognard, mind you. There's also a lot that's been gained in recent years. But when we get to higher levels, I do feel that it could do with some of that old transformation of scope.

I think if it were possible to capture the feel of The Witcher in that campaign mixed with a bit of Game of Thrones, with an existential threat of the Gorgon (or worse Azrai returned) building in the North it could be a sight to see.

That does sound pretty great. The Witcher series is probably a good model for the action of Birthright, balancing both political maneuvering, individual adventures, and warfare.

Jack Daniel

My white whale — I'm still working on how I'd actually map this out — is a game that starts as a D&D campaign, but on every level of a huge megadungeon is a portal to a different universe. You can only open each portal by finding the right key elsewhere in the dungeon, but once you do, you have freely-traversable portals to pirate-world, space-opera-world, mecha-anime-world, noir-detectives-world, groovy-spies-world, four-color-supers-world, etc.

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