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What publishers do you support (or SHOULD you support)?

Argyle King

I'm asking two questions:
Who you do support?
Who you think you should support?


Who do I support?

Steve Jackson Games


Who should I support?

I should support companies which make good quality games at reasonable prices. I feel the burden is more on the company to make me want to support them rather than me feeling guilty about not supporting someone.

That being said, I am not without a sense of loyalty. I'm a regular customer of the local gaming store. Whenever possible, I buy from there instead of Barnes & Noble and other big retailers. I appreciate what I feel is the better service.
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I support whomever is making a product I wish to purchase. I don't buy everything from a company however. I buy what I need and want. I don't believe in buying everything just because I love or like a company- my family needs to eat, too! :)

Lately Mongoose got a good chunk of my dinero with Conan 2E, Runequest II, Lankhmar, and Traveller.

Paizo got a little with the core PF book, Bestiary 1, and a module.

Several OSR publishers got a bit from me, either direct or through Lulu.

Goodman will get some money from me for the DCCRPG when it releases. I did buy a bunch of their early 4E mods.

WOTC will prolly get some more support from me because of the boardgames, and whenever they release 5E :)

I'll pick up the Paizo Beginner box if the reviews look promising, and some Planet Stories- the full PF system and APs hold little interest for me, I mainly wanted the books as reference for 3.x stuff and help in conversions to other systems without spending big bucks on actual 3.5 books.

I'll probably pick up the C&C CKG as well- I'm looking for a system change and C&C despite it's warts seems to be my best option- that is, if the DCCRPG disappoints.


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Serpent King Games - the makers of Dragon Warriors RPG or as I like to call it "What OD&D should have been back in the 70's"

Steve Jackson Games - Even if you don't like or play GURPS, so many of their Genre books, at the very least, are worth having in every gamer's library.

Hero Games - Same as above, even if you don't like or play the HERO system, their Genre books are worth having in every gamer's library

Gnome Stew - These guys are new to me, but the two printed products they've published so far seem to be worthy of that phrase again, "worth having in every gamer's library"

Jacob Marley



I don't "support publishers." I buy products.

My role as a consumer is to buy products. I vote with my wallet. If a company buys products that I want, I buy them, simple as that.

I play Pathfinder, so I mostly buy from Paizo. I'll still buy dungeon tiles from WotC though, and I'll pick up Pathfinder-compatible materials from nearly anyone if they're good. Goodman Games and Necromancer Games stuff (when you can find it) gets my money.


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I'll probably pick up the C&C CKG as well- I'm looking for a system change and C&C despite it's warts seems to be my best option- that is, if the DCCRPG disappoints.

Anyone who looks at my house rules can tell I think C&C has a lot of "warts".

I am also curious about the DCC RPG.

I used to support Goodman a lot, but not so much since there first 8 or so 4E DCC's.

So I'd LIKE to support Goodman, but its just not practical for me to do so right now. Once he startgs releasing adventures for his DCC on a regualr basis I will, even if I don't like the DCC RPG the adventures should be pretty easy for me to use.


First Post
If "the industry" needs propping up, now or ever, I still can't see myself buying stuff and following companies around, "just because", or out of some bizarre sense of "duty" or whatever. They live or die (figuratively) according to what they put out there, and possibly how they market it... just like any other type of company selling product. So?

Besides, the only RPG companies I kinda sorta give half a damn about (and there aren't many of those) seem to be doing quite well enough anyway.

And if someone really wants to get their "great product" (whether it is or not) out there and hopefully being bought, there's always PoD and so on, if the older traditional model is not working, not worth the risk, or suchlike.

In summary, I don't "support" any company at all. I do support (worthy) causes, but frankly, nothing in RPG-land qualifies in the slightest - other than the odd charity thing here and there, I guess.

And lastly, I strongly believe that the hobby does not even need "the industry" in the first place, never has, and never will. :) It's strong enough without any of that... stuff going on.
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I support Pinnacle Entertainment Group for Savage Worlds, Wizards of the Coast for Gamma World and the occasional D&D product, and KenzerCo for Knights of the Dinner Table.

I should support Paizo for Pathfinder, Goodman Games for Dungeon Crawl Classics, Palladium for Rifts, Fantasy Flight Games for Warhammer 40,000, Steve Jackson Games for Munchkin, etc., Green Ronin for d20 derivatives, Mongoose for Judge Dredd, and Triple Ace Games for Savage Worlds licensed products.

Most of my should support companies are more nostalgia on my part. I am pretty self-restricted on new buying and just don't have the space, time or inclination to spend on new games that I know I likely will never play. I still get some books, but I try to limit it to 1 book a month. At that rate, I've still got 120 books every 10 years; so turning them over in the used market is very important to me for hobby management.

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