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What qualifies as a "Must Buy" product? Forked Thread: Done buying?


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Forked from: Done buying?

Hobo said:
As a guy who never made the switch over to 4e, I'm finding the fact that product for my preferred edition of the game having essentially stopped is very liberating. Recently, I made a list of books that I wanted but still hadn't got, and it wasn't all that long. And once it's done... I'm DONE! I mean, there's nothing more to buy after that, really, ever again.

Like many others, I have decided that 4e is not for me. That's not to say 4e is bad, but it isn't the game I want to play. I'm going to stick with 3.5, using Pathfinder and house rules to keep the game balanced and interesting. But, like Hobo mentions, I've got a list of things I want. This is my attempt at getting a list of what 3.x products (D&D or 3PP) people consider to be "Must Have" items. Here's a brief list for myself:

Complete Control: Splitting the classes into individual pieces that can be bought by XP is interesting, although may well not work for every campaign.
Complete Gear: Having magical equipment that is based on the character wielding it fixes a lot of problems I have with magical equipment as written - if it's stolen/sundered/disjunctioned, the character (and player) loses a lot... with this variant, those options become much more viable, since it's a masterwork item, at most. Also, DMs can give their BBEGs magic gear without worrying about it falling into PC hands. And by declaring minor equipment as minor artifacts, even those can still be used.
Tome of Battle: PHB fighters get boring... give them options.
Unearthed Arcana: All optional rules, there's a lot of interesting stuff in there, I constantly go back to it for ideas if something isn't working the way my group wants it to.
Complete Series: Lots of interesting classes, prestige classes, feats, and options for all character types.
Races of X series: Lots of interesting races, classes, PrCs, feats, optional class features, and other options for all character types.
Elements of Magic, Revised Edition: While I haven't gotten a chance to see this material in play, the possibilities are intriguing. It provides you an alternative to the spells as presented in the PHB, allowing you to build the spells you want to use, and the ability to design the spell you want at the moment if you spend a little more time casting it.

That's at least a brief list of things I currently have that I would recommend to anyone, especially those who like tinkering with the rules and having as many options as possible. What are your favorite or "Must Have" 3.x books?

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Legends of Sorcery - if pseudo-Vancian just isnt doing it for you, and spell points from UA* aren't either.

*Unearthed Arcana - many an option and more.

Advanced Bestiary *or* Book of Templates, deluxe edition - templates galore make monsters quickly and easily customisable/badassable.

Psychic's Handbook - if you don't favour 3e Psionics, or simply want to try out a different approach to psychic powers for d20 games (fantasy/modern/sci-fi, etc.)

Untapped Potential - if you *do* favour 3e psionics, get this.

From Stone to Steel - weapons and armour from the ages primitive through renaissance, and from countries Australasian to Scandinavian, with descriptions, stats, images, a small amount of stuff like prestige classes, a few variant rules options, and the occasional brief history lesson.

Book of Iron Might - stunts and manoeuvres for 3e, usable by any combatant, making combat more fluid and dynamic.

Dynasties & Demagogues, Crime & Punishment and Love & War - three books from Atlas Games, that cover well fields not often even touched upon in 3e (or other D&D editions / variants, for the most part).


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Generally, I'm looking for adventures, towns and settings at this point in the game. But, supplements like Dynasties and Demagogues or Crime and Punishment are very valuable to me, as they allow me to respond to player interest without having to make up a ton of rules.

If there were something that did ship to ship combat well within the third edition rules, that would be the last rules supplement I'd need.

Nonlethal Force

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Complete Control: Splitting the classes into individual pieces that can be bought by XP is interesting, although may well not work for every campaign.
Complete Gear: Having magical equipment that is based on the character wielding it fixes a lot of problems I have with magical equipment as written - if it's stolen/sundered/disjunctioned, the character (and player) loses a lot... with this variant, those options become much more viable, since it's a masterwork item, at most. Also, DMs can give their BBEGs magic gear without worrying about it falling into PC hands. And by declaring minor equipment as minor artifacts, even those can still be used.

Hey, thanks the promotion! I much appreciate it. And I am honored to have these products up here on the list. Thanks for making my day, and I hope the products make your game most enjoyable! As a thank you to anyone who has bought Complete Control ... if you haven't heard there is a Character XP tabulator available for download over on DSP's website. Look in the Mentalis Design forum in the CC FAQ thread (I believe post #2, my first post in the thread). It uses Excel as the spreadsheet, so you must be able to open Excel files (whether through Excel or through a program like Open Office). You must be logged in to see the download, though, so make sure you are logged in when you look for the file.

What are your favorite or "Must Have" 3.x books?

I agree with your list (minus the "Races of..." books. They didn't do it for me, but I'm more of a crunch guy than a fluff guy). However, I'll add a few of my own:

Draconomicon. For those who love dragons, this is a great work. If you don't care for dragons, it doesn't need to make your list.

Expanded Psionics Handbook. Let's face it. Psionics is just easier for new players to master than vancian magic. If we're already adding in EoM from the OP, this inclusion just makes sense.

Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics. This product out-psionics the XPH without adding any power-creep. It is a phenominal work for anyone who likes psionics and for me it is a must have.

Those would round out my "must have" list for gaming.
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Fluff-heavy, well written setting material that I can strip-mine for ideas.

Especially the same for settings I'm playing in or plan to be playing in next campaign (Golarion I'm looking at you).

Books of monsters that are more than boring statblocks. Be evocative. Give me reason to use a given monster.

Greg K

My must buys (in no particular order other than trying to keep a loose grouping by subject (e.g, alternate rules, classes, etc.)

1. Unearthed Arcana (WOTC)
2. Artificer's Handbook (Mystic Eye Games)
3. Poisoncraft (Blue Devil Games)
4. Book of Iron Might (Malhavoc)
5. Elements of Magic line ( Elements of Magic: Revised, Elements of Magic: Lyceian Arcana, Elements of Magic: Mythic Earth) (EN Publishing)
6. Psychic's Handbook (Green Ronin)
7. Shaman's Handbook (Green Ronin)
8. Witch's Handbook (Green Ronin)
9. Advanced Bestiary (Green Ronin)
10. Deluxe Book of Templates Revised (Silverthorne)
11. From Stone to Steel (Monkey God/High Moon Media)
12. Experts 3.5 (Skirmisher)

My honorable mentions (arranged by publisher): Hot Pursuit (Adamant), Hot Pursuit: On Foot (Adamant), Crime and Punishment (Atlas), Dynasties and Demagogues (Atlas), Love and War (Atlas), Noble Steeds (Avalanche), Book of Fiends (Green Ronin), Book of the Righteous (Green Ronin), Cavalier's Handbook (Green Ronin), Unholy Warrior's Handbook (Green Ronin), Beyond Countless Doorways (Malhavoc), Book of Roguish Luck (Malhavoc), Fiendish Codex I (WOTC), Heroes of Horror (WOTC), Lords of Madness (WOTC), Stormwrack (WOTC)
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