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What should be turned into a RPG?


There is only one setting I would like to see as a system independent game setting, and that is Thundaar: The Barbarian! I did something like that show using Gamma World back when the show was still on the air. Now I would need to watch it again and take notes.

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Demon Lord

Not using 4e though. It wouldn't be a good fit. Maybe using the SW Saga rules, or even an entirely diff rule set, like GURPS (which is what Fallout's S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system is based on anyway since the original game was supposed to be the first GURPS computer game)
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The Green Adam

First Post
Translate these...

I'm a big fan and collector of Japanese RPGs and they have some seriously a** kickin' ones. I want someone to translate these already!

Sword World (Especially the new 2.0) Record of the Lodoss War anyone?

Metal Head D20 - D20 Modern/Future Adaption of a universe right on the border between cyperpunk and space exploration.

Wares Blade D20 - Heck the original would be cool! Now it's 3.5 compatible!!! D&D with Magical Giant Robots that don't look gawd aweful and aren't steampunk. Why do US magic with robots games always need an excuse for the mecha. There are mecha! The world is medieval! Its FANTASY!

Al-Shard - The MMORPG as table top done right. Instead of ignoring the gimmick or saying it isn't a gimmick (*cough**4E**cough, cough*) Al-Shard says 'yes we're trying to make a game that feels like all those cool Japanese video game RPGs thank you very much! Nifty races, nice class/level system that feels more like a system of chosen skill/power packages and a little technomagic thrown in for good measure.

Mobile Suit Gundam - The Japanese adaption of the classic Mecha war story designed using R. Talsorians classic Mekton Zeta rules. A friend of mine was involved in bringing this to the US years ago but it seemed to just fade away. Very sad.

Terra, The Gunslinger - Wild, Wild West Game with Steampowered Android Maids, Native American Shamans, Cyborg Gunslingers and every other things you can think of set again a gold rush/froniter background.

There are so many others...many books for our game systems that simply never came out here...Call of Cthlulu World Tour, Shadownrun Japan, The Traveller Robot Manual (Book 8 Robots and 101 Robots combined into one book with new art) and this one book that redrew the 3E iconics so that horribly freaky elf chick looked amazingly hot. lol

"I mean, this is unreal. They're gonna start eating each other out there."


First Post
Weber's Honor Harrington universe -- though getting good rules for fleet actions, ship-to-ship combat, and personal-scale combat in one game would be a bit tough...

A GURPS treatment of Bujold's Vorkosigan universe is in the works, but it seems to me like the wrong system; it seems to me that a Vorkosigan universe game has to allow you to build Miles without a superheroic number of points, which argues for something more like Star Wars Saga.

A refresh of the Wheel of Time RPG after Sanderson finishes book 12.

Naomi Novik's Temeraire books -- Napoleonic wars with Dragons! -- ought to be a fun game.

The universe from Final Fantasy IV, VI, IX, X, or XII/Tactics.


First Post
The web comic College Roomies From Hell would be huge fun. Check it: College Roomies from Hell!!! a comic about defenestration
I also would be interested in seeing something done for Sons of Anarchy or a dirty cop game maybe done after The Shield.
And a game done in the spirit of the video game Black would also be very cool.

I also 2nd whoever posted Record of the Lodoss Wars, but I would like to see it as a universal setting usable with any d20 product.

The Green Adam

First Post
I'd be interested in this just out of simple curiosity.

I'm intrigued, what book would this be?

Sigh - Sadly I forget which book it was. It may have been their version of the Dungeonmaster Screen or something. I know it was one of the first 5 products released by it wasn't the first/main three, since those were identical to ours artwork wise.

Even worse, I remember saving the jpegs of some of them, shown on Hobby Japan's D&D website, onto a disk and I can no longer find said disc. I remember seeing the Female Elf Mage (Miele or something right?), the Female Halfling Rogue (great illustration but not quite a halfling in appearance), the Male Human Fighter (Rengar? It looked 100% different - I'm really only guessing it was him), the Female Human Monk and I think one other but I can't recall who.

"Could you possibly try NOT to hit EVERY SINGLE ONE?"


I think I saw the artwork also and was impressed with it. It was sort of like the anime version of the WoW story that's available. Course I'm mind blanking on that right now.

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