What should I buy for GM's Day?


I normally buy myself a few treats for GM's Day. This year, I'm uncertain what to buy.

Please make suggestions on how I ought to spend my money.

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
The game store I play/run Battletech on Mondays has this display case with local baked goods. I always try and be good and stick to my Earl grey, tea hot. Tonight, I might get a baked good for the occasion.


Hi Celebrim, it's a bit late but I am glad to see you return to enworld. I missed you in those few years you were gone. I always enjoy reading your posts. Especially the ones about your homebrew material and setting. If there is any place else you talk about it I would like to know if you don't mind. I don't have a suggestion better than payn's, but I generally have pizza for special occasions. But I eat pizza so ratherly that I consider it a treat.


Hi Celebrim, it's a bit late but I am glad to see you return to enworld. I missed you in those few years you were gone. I always enjoy reading your posts. Especially the ones about your homebrew material and setting. If there is any place else you talk about it I would like to know if you don't mind. I don't have a suggestion better than payn's, but I generally have pizza for special occasions. But I eat pizza so ratherly that I consider it a treat.

Well, I had in mind game books, GM aids, and other gaming paraphernalia. Perhaps "treat" as a more narrow context than I realize.


Well, I had in mind game books, GM aids, and other gaming paraphernalia. Perhaps "treat" as a more narrow context than I realize.
Haven't you mentioned you don't find use for the much of the TTRPG material out there? That would make it difficult to recommend without knowing what you've already seen and what exactly you are looking for.


Haven't you mentioned you don't find use for the much of the TTRPG material out there? That would make it difficult to recommend without knowing what you've already seen and what exactly you are looking for.

Yeah, I tend to find most of the stuff that is published to be virtually unusable and valueless. If I get some ideas and 5 pages out of 200 I can cut and paste from a pdf I consider it relatively well spent money.

On the other hand, I'm a rules collector. As a guy that frequently smiths rules, I enjoy collecting rules sets and reading them to get an understanding of just what is possible. So for example, I collect a pretty good amount of Pendragon even though I'll probably never run the system just because there are so many elements of it that I admire.

Over the year I tend to put things on my wish list that seem like they might be worthwhile, but I'm looking at this year's list more closely and so much of it just promises disappointment if purchased.

One thought I've had is to pick up some core Savage Worlds because it's a system I've heard good things about and which seems to have a niche as the closest thing to functional "rules medium" I've ever looked at. Another thought I've had is to pick up a copy of Blades in the Dark as a rules resource even though I have very little interest in running the game. There are for example aspects of it's dynastic play system that I really like and would want to study, and it's not out of the question that I'd adapt Blades to a different setting at some point in the unknowable future.

But I'm just not excited about either idea. So I was hoping someone who had made purchases in the past could sell me on some idea that this thing that was on sale right now was The Best Thing Ever.


Guide of Modos
On the other hand, I'm a rules collector. As a guy that frequently smiths rules, I enjoy collecting rules sets and reading them to get an understanding of just what is possible. So for example, I collect a pretty good amount of Pendragon even though I'll probably never run the system just because there are so many elements of it that I admire. . .

But I'm just not excited about either idea. So I was hoping someone who had made purchases in the past could sell me on some idea that this thing that was on sale right now was The Best Thing Ever.
I'll suggest my candidate for The Best Thing Since Succeed/Fail: Modos 2 (on DrivethruRPG). By leaving the basic resolution roll open to interpretation, it encourages GMs and PCs to be creative even when they roll low. And the rules are laid out discretely in a catalog, which should facilitate rules-smithing.

It's a cheap/free one, though. It might not scratch your spending itch.


Depending on how you feel about generic systems, Heroes and Hardships is at least worth a look.

I'm not opposed to a generic system. One thing I feel I vaguely need is a generic system to apply to game concepts I don't have a system for.

How in your opinion does it compare to a system like Savage Worlds, that feels like it could do a decent job of being a universal system albeit with some pretty low granularity?

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