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What should I buy for my birthday?


May 1st was my birthday. (You say its your birthday...dunna dunna dunna duh da...It's my birthday too).

My mom gave me $50 and told me to "spend it foolishly." I have no idea what to get? Any suggestions? I'm not going to give you a bunch of background on me...I'm a gamer with $50. I have a lot of D&D books, but certainly not all of them. I like video games (I've got a computer and a Gamecube), board games...blah blah blah blah....and I've got $50 to blow.

Just tell give me the first few cool suggestions that pop into your head.


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Member since Jan 2002 (and probably before), posts on EN World to ask how he should spend his money instead of going right out and spending it, buys plenty of gaming books (presumably with the advice of other EN Worlders and the many reviews here), Uses his EN WOrld sig as a way to sell old gaming products... Well, I'd say it's a no brainer what you should do with your windfall...

EN World Community Supporter

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:) Happy B-Day, btw, Drew! :)

FOOLISH way to spend money.

1. Use it instead of kindling to light the charcoal for a BBQ.

2. Genital Piercings (look for a 2 for 1 special)

3. Tatoos (for 50 bucks it WILL be a foolish waste of money)

4. Polyester green leisure suit.

5. Catwoman, special extended version DVD.

6. Take it to the bank, ask for it in pennies. Tell you DM/Players all purchases must be LARP'ed out. & all you got are Copper pieces. (Cut down on those 100,000 GP swords, & if a player gives you 100,000 gp worth of pennies, your bank will hate you).

7. George Bush Re-election Campaign (not political- he's already served 2 terms).

8. Roger Clinton Election Campaign

9. Anything from Fast Forward Entertainment.

10. Make a George Washington Salad.

But, seriously;

Take your mom out to a really nice restaurant & maybe go see a show or rent a DVD afterward.


Mark said:
Member since Jan 2002 (and probably before), posts on EN World to ask how he should spend his money instead of going right out and spending it, buys plenty of gaming books (presumably with the advice of other EN Worlders and the many reviews here), Uses his EN WOrld sig as a way to sell old gaming products... Well, I'd say it's a no brainer what you should do with your windfall...

EN World Community Supporter

Got Search?

:) Happy B-Day, btw, Drew! :)

So, for my birthday, you got me guilt? Gee, and I didn't get you a thing. And yeah, I go WAY back before 2002. Something like March of 2000. I just don't say much. :p

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