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what should I do?


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I've been thinking of creating a small campaign utilizing the D20 modern rules, so I wanted to run some ideas past my friends, and I've gotten shot down with each and everyone, seemingly because they don't like the flavor I like.
suggestions have been, a Superhero campaign, one where they're the norse gods reborn fighting against drow to find Yggdrasil first, a college zombie campaign and a Fantasy flavoured self-invented fantasy world.
though one of them did seem interested in a straight western campaign. :\
should I find someone who is interested or just not create a campaign?

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I think you need to decide why you play the game.

Do you play the game to hang out with this set of friends?
If so, ask them what they want to play and roll with it.

Do you play the game to explore your own creative outlets and experience genres you enjoy?
Then seek out a new gaming group.

I know it is not alwaysd that easy. Afterall, it can be difficult to find players, but another solution might be to lure them into a campaign genre they want and plant elements of a genre you want within it.

Good luck.

DuncanOToole said:
I've been thinking of creating a small campaign utilizing the D20 modern rules, so I wanted to run some ideas past my friends, and I've gotten shot down with each and everyone, seemingly because they don't like the flavor I like.
suggestions have been, a Superhero campaign, one where they're the norse gods reborn fighting against drow to find Yggdrasil first, a college zombie campaign and a Fantasy flavoured self-invented fantasy world.
though one of them did seem interested in a straight western campaign. :\
should I find someone who is interested or just not create a campaign?

You seem to come up with weird ideas. Superheroes? Weird, and not in the D20 Modern rules. You scare your players with a ton of house rules. Furthermore, maybe they don't want to combine D20 Modern with FX. All the FX in D20 Modern is purely optional. I'm not surprised the Western campaign drew the most support, considering the weirdness/heavy FX of the other campaigns.

Make them superspies, mercs, or vigilantes. Those are always cool ideas. (They might not want to go with them either, but they're still cool ideas :D )

You could ask them, if they were playing Modern, what they would like? If they can't agree on anything, ask them to try something once. (If you go with Western, you'll please at least one player.)


First Post
I think it's little bit of both pogre.

and yes I really got some weird concepts, I like it weird it seems :\

I'll try and ask what they want I think, I just want to try some different from D&D sometimes and kepts away from WoD.

and a conventional western would be fun :D Maybe as spies during the Civil war or some such


First Post
One thing I remembered, most of the usual GM's campaign are kind of on the weird side mostly due to it being WoD or D&D I guess, but still kinda weird.
Maybe providing non f/x alternatives would entice them more?


DuncanOToole said:
One thing I remembered, most of the usual GM's campaign are kind of on the weird side mostly due to it being WoD or D&D I guess, but still kinda weird.
Maybe providing non f/x alternatives would entice them more?

Not a bad idea. Somebody around here had a pre-campaign survey that looked pretty handy. Seek a framework from you players' input and then put the game together as closely to what you want as you can.


Staff member
First, let me say this: several players in my 2 groups are Core + Completes gamers only, thus they kind of spoil the fun for people like myself who like a little variety.

That said- poll your players. Find out what they prefer in games. They may surprise you with what they really want.

Assuming your players are really into the D20 style of RPG, Mutants & Masterminds is probably your best bet for any kind of superhero campaign.

Your Norse vs. Drow campaign sounds like it would work well within the framework of D20 Modern: Urban Arcana (or Mutants & Masterminds). Ditto your zombie campaign. Spycraft 2.0 might also work well if, like your typical zombie movie, you're not using any spells. An interesting choice would be X-Crawl- but only if you or a significant number of your players are familiar with Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle's Dream Park novels.

For a straight western, Sidewinder is the champ. Deadlands D20 would be a close second, though, Shadowrun-like, it adds magic.

Outside of D20, there are a myriad of choices...


First Post
Realize that you've got to enjoy running the game. Do it because you want to. So, if none of the ideas appeal to you, put together ones of your own. Develop it how you want. Ultimately if they're interested in playing, people will play. if they're not interested they won't. It isn't really your responsibility to run something for them if you don't want to.

My advice is to pick a theme, flesh it out a little, and run with it. If you can fit what they want, add that too. For example, bring them in as hingly powered--well trained or magically adept-- investigators in a world of mystery and intrigue, and possibly some zombies. It's going to feature some exploration, some mystery-solving, a lot of breaking into well guarded secrets and tons of explosions!

Perhaps I'm lucky in that, if I run something, i've got at least four people who are guarenteed to play if I ask. But, as it stands now, there are several game types, genres, and styles that I'd only DM if someone paid me. So I avoid those ones. :D

Another fun thing to do may be seeing about getting them to do the work for you. "College zombies huh? How's that work? Where'd they show up?"

One other thing. When dealing with survey groups, the general technique is to ask specific questions "Is X too big? Was there too much cowbell? Was it red enough?" and get answers to that question. Asking people what they think will generally get you a disconnected answer.

And finally, don't take it badly if it seems like no one is interested. The game is a thing that exsists in the imagination. And, right now, it's only in yours. Once it grows out, once it gets in their imaginations too, then they'll be looking forward to playing


First Post
Well I never really got the chance to go into specifics... we'll see how it turn out, we're playing another campaign classic D&D at the moment.

also I bought Sidewinder, I got Urban Arcana, and Call of Cthulhu d20 as well and so forth so I'm covered in role playing rules, been thinking of trying out Arcana evolved though.

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