What to do in the Seattle area?


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I'm going to be spending a long weekend in Seattle near the end of May, and I'm curious about suggestions people might have for what to do there.

My girlfriend is going to a conference there, and will be available sporadically to do stuff with me. For the most part, though, I'll be spending the days by myself. I'm going to be getting in Thursday night and leaving Monday afternoon. We're going to be staying right in the middle of downtown, but won't have a vehicle, in all likelihood. This means that I'm pretty much limited to things that are accessible from public transportation.

I've been to Seattle before, but I didn't get out much - I was a camp counselor for WotC's GameCamp, and was pretty much in the University District all the time. I didn't have any transportation, either, so I didn't get to see much of the city.

So, any suggestions as to what to do? I'm mostly thinking geek-related stuff to do - game stores I shouldn't miss, events that might be happening that weekend, that kind of thing. The more normal "touristy" stuff I'll do when my girlfriend is available. I know that the region has a significant Pathfinder Society presence; I'd like to find a game of that over the weekend, as that's not something I've been able to do before due to no presence around here.

Thanks for any suggestions people might have!

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Ebon Shar

There is an excellent game/comic/hobby store in Pike Place Market called Golden Age Collectibles. I recommend that you take a bus to Seattle Center, explore that for a bit, including the Space Needle, Science Center, EMP, etc and then ride the monorail to Westlake Center. It's a short walk to Pike Place Market, which is a "must see" for tourists. Golden Age Collectibles is on the second level of the market. If you like seafood, you'll love the market. You might also love to "Ride the Duck" which is a tour of Seattle in a WWII amphibious troop carrier. You'll even go out on Lake Union. You can catch the Duck at either Seattle Center or Westlake Center. It's a lot of fun and you learn a lot about Seattle.

If you have time, you can also check out the excellent aquarium down on the waterfront. We also have a very nice zoo at Woodland Park if that interests you.

There is a tour of Underground Seattle, but I've never done it. If you can arrange a ride, the Boeing Flight Museum is outstanding.

Hope this helps. Feel free to google Seattle for more info on any of these topics.

Don't know the game scene up there anymore since I moved to CA, but...

Get up to Fremont and walk around a while, see the Troll. Go to Ballard and visit the locks. Go to the waterfront; shop, eat at Ivars (any of several still remaining), visit the aquarium, take a ferry ride to Bremerton and back. Visit Seattle Art Museum, the Wing Luke Museum, the Frye Art Museum, Museum of History and Industry, Henry Art Gallery, or Burke Museum. Seattle Public Library. The Arboretum. Walk through Uwajimaya in Chinatown. Visit Pioneer Square and take the tour of the Underground; see who's playing at Comedy Underground, go to Elliot Bay Book Company, try Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park. Shop at Westlake Center, take the monorail to Seattle Center for the Experience Music Project, Pacific Science Center, and Space Needle. Eat at a Dicks Drive-In. Visit the Center for Wooden Boats. Visit the Boeing Museum of Flight. See a Mariners or Seahawks game. Visit Woodland Park Zoo.

When you've done all that come back and I'll think up some more.
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