Over on the
Unconventional GMs youtube channel, myself and my co-host Gaz (of the Smart Party, the UK's premier roleplaying podcast) have been putting up TTRPG one-shots. Our USP is that they're run how we run convention games (hence the name) with pace, vim, and vigour, and a heady mix of roleplaying, action, rules engagement and silly accents, and all come in at <2hrs.
We've got a decent stable of videos up already with games from Vaesen to Brindlewood Bay to Ironsworn: Starforged, and more in the pipeline (we release Saturdays 5pm fortnightly) - but what games would you really appreciate Actual Play videos of, to showcase how you can do it in a one-shot or just demonstrate how it plays at the table? There are a million D&D and Call of Cthulhu APs out there (including ours!) but what would really help the GM community? Or any specific styles of game or approach you'd like to see - let us know below!