Once upon a time, a very, very long time ago, I was young. Now I can certainly tell you that at the tender ages of 13 and 14, we handled sensitive subjects with the utmost respect and maturity it deserved. It'd be a lie, but I could tell you that. The truth is that our sense of humor was often sophmoric, which, if you think about, was pretty good considering we were freshman. One of our favorite jokes revolved around "sore butts" whenever a PC woke up after being rendered unconscious, especially if he had been captured. Hard to believe it, but we'd giggle at that. But as the years passed, we stopped making that joke. We had moved on to different subjects to treat with all the maturity you can expect from a 15 or 16 year old.
I'm not really bothered by the idea that younger people won't treat sensitive subjects with the respect they deserve. In fact, I expect it, because learning how to behave is part of growing up. That young people are unlikely to treat a sensitive subject isn't a good enough reason to exclude something from a game designed to be played by many ages.