Then I would ask perhaps what the growth argument here is? If we take it as true that the hobby was 1) fairly homogeneous, and 2) had not experienced growth in a decade, the initial argument of course is that that by making the material less homogeneous then the players will be less homogeneous and there will be growth. But where do all of these arguments go once the player base has achieved "peak representation" ? What does the growth rate of the hobby have to do with anything when we reach the point where you cannot fix stagnation by bringing in dorky people from all races and genders instead of just one? Once that point is reached do you think the hobby will be grown better by clamping down even harder on the features of the settings?
What “clamping down”? They aren’t publishing a revised setting for an out of print product that, other than a few drops and drabs, hasn’t been supported in almost thirty years.
Tell you what. Why don’t we worry about that when it happens?