My hardcover GPG Annual came in the other day, and I thought we could appreciate the many people who contributed to it by talking about some of the articles that really shined!
If you contributed articles yourself, feel free to say what you contributed, but please leave yourself out of your list.
So, in no particular order:
If you contributed articles yourself, feel free to say what you contributed, but please leave yourself out of your list.
So, in no particular order:
- “Ways to be Fey” by Ryan Nock. The versatilty and whimsy of the Dreamborn get me every time. I think Ryan did a fantastic job delivering on a really difficult and complex heritage concept.
- “When Warlocks Take Notes From Other Classes” by David “Boo” Ludlow. A5e’s first maneuverist spellcaster was done so elegantly, AND we got a crazy awesome wildshape-centric warlock at the same time! Excellent work.
- “Streamline Your Dungeons: Delving Activities” by Rachel Williamson. I know Rachel is going to get love for her maneuvers and player options in this thread, but reading this piece made me ask “Oh wait. Why wasn’t that in the core books?” I really appreciate the insight required to identify and then fill this gap.
- The “Cunning Curses” series by Cassandra MacDonald. Cassandra clearly thought carefully about how to make curses an integral part of both the story and the mechanics of these items, to say nothing about how well designed the items themselves are!
- “Primeval Destinies” by Andrew Engelbrite. Excellent twist on the existing mechanics that was not only exciting in of itself, but also lit the way for several other possibilities for destinies in the future.