What's Happened To Warhammer 40K Wrath and Glory?

On their official website forums, it is indicated there are some licensing issues. I wouldn't be shocked if it's the end of the product line, as apparently there were quality issues and not a lot of product to support it.

On their official website forums, it is indicated there are some licensing issues. I wouldn't be shocked if it's the end of the product line, as apparently there were quality issues and not a lot of product to support it.

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On their official website forums, it is indicated there are some licensing issues. I wouldn't be shocked if it's the end of the product line, as apparently there were quality issues and not a lot of product to support it.
I am concerned about the licensing from Games Workshop, since any technical glitch would not just target all "Wrath and Glory" pages but leave all others intact on the Ulisses North America website.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The new Warhammer 40,000 Role Playing Game "Wrath and Glory" has vanished from the list of products offered by Ulisses North America, who were initially licensed by Games Workshop to publish this game that premiered at Gen Con 2018.

View attachment 106067

The current web page does not include the game in its dropdown list, but it's still available on DriveThruRPG.

A thread on the official forums raises the question of whether the line was dead, and a customer was told "No it is not. We are just negotiating with Games Workshop how exactly it proceeds".

Hopefully it's just a wrinkle. There has been talk of it spinning off to another website.
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I never really cared for them starting another 40k RPG when Dark Heresy was as good as it was.  It just screamed of GW not supporting products people liked.


Chaotic Looseleaf
Whoops, looks like it's time to pull the trigger on that Dark Heresy 2e PDF purchase I've been putting off.

I wonder about a reboot of the franchise. I wouldn't be surprised if we find a retcon because "Kronika did it". The change of the background it wouldn't be so radical. Some squats would survive genocide by tyranids, more humans factions, and maybe some parallel universe like "Mirror, mirror" in Star Trek.

Do you think Hasbro could buy GW? It would keep the darkgrimm gothicpunk look, but maybe the background would be "softer".

Ghal Maraz

I never really cared for them starting another 40k RPG when Dark Heresy was as good as it was.  It just screamed of GW not supporting products people liked.

A heavily convoluted system, already out of production by some years, that supported only a playstyle and excluded the majority of the playable archetypes and races from the background. Not mentioning that it was a system created by another company (Black Industries) and implemented by a second one (FFG); a system conceived as the third iteration of an Eighties system (WFRP; WFRP 2; DH), with a simulationist base mixed with some d20-isms. A system which, in its second edition, according to various data, already sold significantly less than in its first edition.

Well, no. No, sorry, I wouldn't call that "GW not supporting products people liked".


A heavily convoluted system, already out of production by some years, that supported only a playstyle and excluded the majority of the playable archetypes and races from the background. Not mentioning that it was a system created by another company (Black Industries) and implemented by a second one (FFG); a system conceived as the third iteration of an Eighties system (WFRP; WFRP 2; DH), with a simulationist base mixed with some d20-isms. A system which, in its second edition, according to various data, already sold significantly less than in its first edition.

Well, no. No, sorry, I wouldn't call that "GW not supporting products people liked".
Upon release that Black Industries "Dark Heresy" was a top five game according to Enworld stats, and the follow up by Fantasy Flight Games, Rogue Trader, too was in the top five games. This was around 2008 to 2012. Also the d100 group of systems do pretty well for Call of Cthulhu with Chaosium having its many dedicated fans for decades. And finally, many Warhammer 40,000 fans are Imperial players so pretty content not playing the xenos and chaos Armies in role play.


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