What's the best Star War?


Well, that was fun
Staff member

Using the new Ranked Poll features, upvote the ones you like with the arrows to the right!

Movies only. There's far too many TV shows!

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It seems kinda weird that the answers with negative totals are being pushed to the last page of the thread, while discussion is still happening on the first. Not really a problem, I guess, but very different. Feels kinda Reddit-y, if that makes sense.
I think it's because the discussions all have scores of zero.

It's the downvoting I guess. If I'd disabled downvoting, there would be no negative totals, so that wouldn't happen.

You can switch between "Sort by votes" and "Sort by date".

Maybe this is a bug, but I had it on "Sort by date"*, and it was behaving exactly the way I described (and Morrus confirmed). Then I switched to "Sort by votes" and nothing changed. Now I've switched back to "Sort by date", and the conversation is back at the end.


* That is to say, it was displaying "Sort by date". I don't remember setting it one way or the other, so I'm assuming it was on whatever the default behavior is.

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