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Wheel of Time....good series to read after Hobbit/LotR?

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Mod Squad
Staff member
The Wheel of Time is not only three books. The whole series is 14 books!

And insofar as it is epic fantasy, it has a LotR feel. But the series drags in the middle. I mean, really drags. Drags like hauling a tree trunk on a beach. Drags like, "the author spent all his time describing dresses and stuff, and he never got around to having anything actually *happen*."

The Wheel of Time is not only three books. The whole series is 14 books!

And insofar as it is epic fantasy, it has a LotR feel. But the series drags in the middle. I mean, really drags. Drags like hauling a tree trunk on a beach. Drags like, "the author spent all his time describing dresses and stuff, and he never got around to having anything actually *happen*."

Not only that, but there was a betting pool as to how many times one of the characters would tug her braid.

The author died after writing book 11 and they had to get another author to finish the series. If you can get past the slog-fest of books 7 through 10, the series picks back up in book 11.

Sanderson did a decent job completing the series. The final book was supposed to be book 12, but Sanderson split that up into three books. Even despite the split, the last few books still felt a bit rushed.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Basically, the Wheel of Time is a case study in what happens when you get successful and marry your editor, so nobody really has the position to tell you, "Dude, you need to trim this down by about a third."

Electric Wizard

First Post
I would read something else. Sure, each book might have 100 pages that are good, but you have to sift through 400 pages of Robert Jordan's, um, boring obsessions to find them. The first book is great fun, the second is decent, the third is mediocre. I thought it would pick up in the fourth and fifth book, but it just got worse. Every time Jordan writes a potentially exciting hook - for example, the main character discovering artifacts of great power - he discards it in favor of page after page of grouchy, frigid women fantasizing about spanking each other and grown men acting like junior high kids trying to get their first kiss. And don't get me started on the dresses and tile patterns.


I'm going to agree. I slogged through the first three or four and gave up. There was a review on Amazon, I think for book 8, that said, "NOTHING happened in this book."
That summed up my decision easily enough.
Go read Game of Thrones.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Go read Game of Thrones.

No, not yet. Martin's pulling a Jordan here - he's not anywhere near finishing, and there's no clear indication he will finish before dying. Leave Game of Thrones until you hear the last one is at the printer's, I say!


New Publisher
I stopped after three books. Just no pacing and the same stuff over and over. There are so many really good series, that are fun and shorter.


I'd recommend Memory, Sorrow and Thorn by Tad Williams as being closer to LotR. It reads better, it's much more concise, it's a better story. The world feels more like Middle Earth too.

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