D&D 5E When Are Ability Scores Used?


The High Aldwin
I know there are only a few times when Ability Scores are important to the rule since nearly all the time just the ability modifiers are what is used.

For example, one such time is with the Barbarian's Indomitable Might:

which allows you to use your Strength score if your check is lower.

I recall there was at least one other time when the score is used but I can't recall what it was (it is something I feel is obvious I am just overlooking...).

So, I am asking the community to help me with all the instances when the ability score is used in the game instead of the ability modifier?

Any help? Thanks!

UPDATE: List so far:

1. Indomitable Might (Barbarian)
2. Jumping (safe maximum STR score)
3. Encumbrance (STR x 15, etc.)
4. Variant Initiative rules/options (DEX)
5. Divine Domain: Visions of the Past, Object Reading and Area Reading (WIS)
6. Multiclass requirements
7. Certain creatures' attacks reduce scores
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Morkus from Orkus
I know there are only a few times when Ability Scores are important to the rule since nearly all the time just the ability modifiers are what is used.

For example, one such time is with the Barbarian's Indomitable Might:
View attachment 263821
which allows you to use your Strength score if your check is lower.

I recall there was at least one other time when the score is used but I can't recall what it was (it is something I feel is obvious I am just overlooking...).

So, I am asking the community to help me with all the instances when the ability score is used in the game instead of the ability modifier?

Any help? Thanks!
Jumping! Off the top of my head.

Edit: Multiclassing as well. Stat numbers are used to qualify.

Voidrunner's Codex

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