When did you start posting your story hour?

When Did You Begin Posting Your Story Hour?

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I've got Storyhour #1 started around Feb 2004, and Storyhour #2 around March 2005 or thereabouts.

Both are still ongoing, and I expect them to last several more years each.


RangerWickett said:
By the way, I still think we storyhour writers should be able to curse in our storyhours. *grin*

*chuckle* I get away with some of the content I have in my storyhours, but it's the cursing I have to mask... ;)


First Post
Sigh ... you forgot another category in the poll el-remmen ... before the crash. I had started a few months before the crash and was doing fiction. The crash wiped it all out. I had it only in hand written form too.

Ah well. Life happens, eh?


Moderator Emeritus
Mycanid said:
Sigh ... you forgot another category in the poll el-remmen ... before the crash. I had started a few months before the crash and was doing fiction. The crash wiped it all out. I had it only in hand written form too.

Ah well. Life happens, eh?

No, I didn't - just choose the range of the date for when you started even if it doesn't exist anymore. :cool:

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Piratecat said:
I can't believe it's been six years. The question is, does anyone still remember that first post about the minotaur sea battle?

I remember reading it. I remember that the PCs were on a boat and a galley crewed by minotaur pirates was bearing down on them - and just before the minotaur ram strikes the ship, their cleric jumps overboard between the two ships, channelling divine energy into his holy shield which turned it into an immovable object. The pirate ship smashes into the shield and pretty much falls apart.

At about that point I thought "what a munchkin game" and didn't read any more. It's safe to say that I've revised my opinion :)


Nonlethal Force

First Post
Mycanid said:
... before the crash. I had started a few months before the crash and was doing fiction. The crash wiped it all out.

As was my case, too. Fortunately, when I write I type - my fingers on a keyboard can almost keep up with my thoughts ... much better than my fingers with a pen or pencil, that's for sure! So for me it was merely a matter of opening up Word and reposting. That's why if you look at the first few posts on my storyhour it looks like I did much posting in a hurry in May. Alas, tis not the case. Just catching up from the crash.

I feel your pain, Mycanid. Feel free to give mine a quite read and a comment, though!

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