D&D General When Nature Calls, And You Have To Weigh The Risk

Joking aside, in certain kinds of campaigns - low fantasy, gritty realism, mud and blood style grimdark -- concerns like this are real. You are in enemy territory, trying to stay hidden as you infiltrate the bad guys' estate, and the semi-rancid meat you ate last night hits you. Now what?

This brings to mind a possible tactic for an enemy of the PCs if they have been observed using Tiny Hut a lot --- poisoning the food they eat somehow. Sets the PCs ripe for an ambush if their bowel movements have been compromised by a powerful laxative.

Oooooooohhh my.

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I'm running Rime of the Frostmaiden, and the players are currently in an unnaturally cold region. Their cold weather gear still helps them, but the module doesn't contemplate what happens if someone needs to expose delicate areas in order to relieve themselves.
I'd look into people who historically live in arctic climates. I know of the Inuit, but there might be others (Greenland, northern Scandinavia, etc). I'd imagine they have methods to take care of business, even in the harshest of conditions.


I'm running Rime of the Frostmaiden, and the players are currently in an unnaturally cold region. Their cold weather gear still helps them, but the module doesn't contemplate what happens if someone needs to expose delicate areas in order to relieve themselves.
The character should be fine. If it was cold enough to flash freeze exposed skin then survival would be impossible without magic or a fully enclosed environmental protection (space) suit.


Common magic item: chamber pot of cleansing. Upon the use of the command word, organic non-living material in the chamber pot is destroyed.

Also good for finding those gems you swallowed to avoid getting caught red handed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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