Where are you (D&D Documetary Kickstarter)?

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Oh, goodness . . . .

First, let me apologize to anyone I offended by sounding pompous, or, what's the word, I don't know . . . , okay, rude, and pushy. I guess the bottom line is that I am really passionate about D&D. Everything about D&D. I won't apologize about that. I have a life that 99% of the time exists outside of anything game related but the cord that D&D struck is MAJOR and still resonates in me some 32 years after I first experienced it. The fact that I am still infatuated is amazing, and telling.

The individuals involved in producing this documentary seem to be putting alot of effort into giving us rare and unseen archives of footage from the principles, Gygax and others, that were on the ground-floor--at the time alot of incredible and often disheartening things were going on. Maybe it is just me, but I would really like to witness those first-hand accounts. Those of you that don't like the '60 Minutes' style of the presentation, I will conceed to you. For the rest, maybe we could see a younger Gygax, others that were working at TSR, and game publishers that were catching the RPG tiger by the tail in the mid-70s and early 80's. I could be entirely wrong, but I think that is the producers intent.

Truly, it was not my place to post on EN World and brow-beat anyone. But if a few of you look at the trailers and previews, and it piques your interest, could I encourage you to make a pledge? They have 6 days to go.

The pledged funding so far seems to have doubled in the last week and, with five days left, might actually reach their goal. I wouldn't have bet on it a week ago. I think the professionally done interview clips are helping folks get a better idea what they can expect.

The pledged funding so far seems to have doubled in the last week and, with five days left, might actually reach their goal. I wouldn't have bet on it a week ago. I think the professionally done interview clips are helping folks get a better idea what they can expect.
And the mail Paizo sent encouraging people to support it probably didn't hurt, either... ;)

Backed as soon as I heard about it.

And there really is a lot of drama for them to work with.

I look forward to seeing it in a few years.

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