D&D 5E Where is the Stat Block for the smaller elementals


Eternal Optimist
Seriously, if there's one thing you couldn't complain about regarding Gary Gygax, it was his vocabulary.

I can, just because there are a number of times he got his terms wrong. :) "Forward" instead of "Foreword", for instance!

However, like Tolkien's spelling of dwarves, there are a few obscure terms that Gary popularised and we now use. Consider "dweomer", for one. And "libram". (more here).


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I made this up for my game for Air:

Air Elemental:
CR 1/4
AC 12
HD 2d6+4, Hps 12
St 10, DX 15, CN 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Ch 6
Att +4, 2 Slams d6+2 each
Whirlwind, DC 9, d6+2 save as per major

CR 1/2
AC 13
HD 3d6+4, Hps 16
St 11, DX 16, CN 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Ch 6
Att +5, 2 Slams d6+3 each
Whirlwind, DC 10, d6+3 save as per major

CR 1
AC 14
HD 4d8+4, Hps 24
St 12, DX 18, CN 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Ch 6
Att +6, 2 Slams d8+4 each
Whirlwind, DC 11, d6+d4+4 save as per major

CR 2
AC 14
HD 5d8+4, Hps 34
St 13, DX 19, CN 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Ch 6
Att +6, 2 Slams d8+4 each
Whirlwind, DC 12, 2d6+4 save as per major


water weirds, salamanders and xorns can be summoned by "Conjure elemental" and the CR can be increased by that spell

but not with conjure minor elemental that is what we are talking about, increase in spell slot increase the number of elementals either of the minor CR's in the MM or the lesser versions of the true elementals, but I see the true in what everyone is saying, keep to the CR minor elementals that are in the book, but smaller versions can be used as well


First Post
I made this up for my game for Air:

Air Elemental:
CR 1/4
AC 12
HD 2d6+4, Hps 12
St 10, DX 15, CN 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Ch 6
Att +4, 2 Slams d6+2 each
Whirlwind, DC 9, d6+2 save as per major

CR 1/2
AC 13
HD 3d6+4, Hps 16
St 11, DX 16, CN 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Ch 6
Att +5, 2 Slams d6+3 each
Whirlwind, DC 10, d6+3 save as per major

CR 1
AC 14
HD 4d8+4, Hps 24
St 12, DX 18, CN 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Ch 6
Att +6, 2 Slams d8+4 each
Whirlwind, DC 11, d6+d4+4 save as per major

CR 2
AC 14
HD 5d8+4, Hps 34
St 13, DX 19, CN 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Ch 6
Att +6, 2 Slams d8+4 each
Whirlwind, DC 12, 2d6+4 save as per major

Whirlwind is grossly overpowered if you allow it on elementals of this size/number. If you really want to keep the whirlwind ability, consider limiting it's effect to size "Tiny" or smaller.

Joe Liker

First Post
I can, just because there are a number of times he got his terms wrong. :) "Forward" instead of "Foreword", for instance!
A friend of mine made me aware of this peculiar trend in Gygax-bashing, and I was frankly astonished. I think it's unfortunate that the Internet know-it-alls have taken a few instances of malapropism and exaggerated them to such an absurd degree. "Forward/Foreward," for example, amounts to nothing more than a typo, for heaven's sake!

Considering all the lovely words Gygax taught me through the medium of AD&D, the number of them he got wrong is relatively tiny. There are very few modern writers who could manage such a track record, I assure you.

The big question I have is, why does no one blame his editor? The burden is certainly not Mr. Gygax's alone.
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A friend of mine made me aware of this peculiar trend in Gygax-bashing, and I was frankly astonished. I think it's unfortunate that the Internet know-it-alls have taken a few instances of malapropism and exaggerated them to such an absurd degree. "Forward/Foreward," for example, amounts to nothing more than a typo, for heaven's sake!

Considering all the lovely words Gygax taught me through the medium of AD&D, the number of them he got wrong is relatively tiny. There are very few modern writers who could mange such a track record, I assure you.

The big question I have is, why does no one blame his editor? The burden is certainly not Mr. Gygax's alone.

Because every time I do or I blame the company instead of him, someone always assumes I'm blaming him.




I agree with the size, "Whirlwind is grossly overpowered if you allow it on elementals of this size/number. If you really want to keep the whirlwind ability, consider limiting it's effect to size "Tiny" or smaller."


First Post
A friend of mine made me aware of this peculiar trend in Gygax-bashing, and I was frankly astonished. I think it's unfortunate that the Internet know-it-alls have taken a few instances of malapropism and exaggerated them to such an absurd degree. "Forward/Foreward," for example, amounts to nothing more than a typo, for heaven's sake!

Considering all the lovely words Gygax taught me through the medium of AD&D, the number of them he got wrong is relatively tiny. There are very few modern writers who could manage such a track record, I assure you.

The big question I have is, why does no one blame his editor? The burden is certainly not Mr. Gygax's alone.

"Mr." Gygax had atrocious spelling skills, browbeat editors, and seemed to actually enjoy infighting and flame wars. Malapropisms? He's even got George Bush beat there. He's not a diety. He was a p. cool dude though, and hell yeah he carved a pretty awesome legacy.

Voidrunner's Codex

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