D&D 4E Where was 4e headed before it was canned?

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Relaxed Intensity
Um, awesome? It is nice that you make incorrect assumptions about how we play; but if you, as a player, demand that everyone else spin their wheels so that you can be the solo protagonist of your own story, our group probably isn’t the right place for you.

It's not about just my character. It is about the characters everyone plays. I want these moments to be played out on screen by all players and for everyone to take an active interest in the characters their fellow characters are playing. It is a desire to engage in specificity of fiction and care about the small details. It is about not being in a hurry because there is nothing to hurry to.

I care just as much about the Half-Orc Rogue you are playing who was once wrongfully imprisoned based on racial prejudices as my Paladin who discovered his calling in the gladiatorial pits. I care about who your Cleric worships. I care about what your Sorcerer's lineage is. These details matter to me and I want them to matter on screen no matter which side of it I am currently sitting on.


I think it was headed in the direction of board games. Wrath of A and Legend of Drizzt. I got both in the last couple of years and they compelled me to reevaluate 4e. I decided it was better than I gave it credit for being.


So the "big tent" of 5e doesn't admit of comparison, in resolution processes, to 4e - but it imposes a very strong conception of what is "downtime" and what is "action" such that reforging an ancient dwarven weapon is downtime, but - - - what? . . . fighting orcs? . . . is not?

In which case I'm quite happy over here outside that tent.

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