Where would you put a D&D museum?

Where would you put a D&D museum?

  • Lake Geneva, WI (birth of GenCon, TSR)

    Votes: 90 68.7%
  • Orlando, FL

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • Indianapolis, IN (current home of Gen Con)

    Votes: 20 15.3%
  • Renton, WA (home of WotC)

    Votes: 6 4.6%
  • Other (please explain below)

    Votes: 11 8.4%


Victoria Rules
Voted "other", I think a good case could be made for Milwaukee. It's relatively close to Lake Geneva, was the home of GenCon for about half an age, and is also close to Chicago and relatively central in the continent.

Indianapolis is valid as long as GenCon stays there (it's locked in through 2020) and even more so if any other major gaming cons ever wind up there, but if GenCon ever leaves Indy* it becomes kinda pointless.

If you were going to put it in the Seattle area you wouldn't put it in Renton; you'd put it in the U-district northeast of downtown where gamers are actually likely to go. But Seattle is a long way from most people (though close to me), a problem it shares with Orlando.

* - if GenCon was to leave Indianapolis, where - realistically - could it go? There's not many cities can handle something that big as easily as Indy does.


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* - if GenCon was to leave Indianapolis, where - realistically - could it go? There's not many cities can handle something that big as easily as Indy does.

About the only place it could realistically go is back to Milwaukee, although there are a few other cities that have large enough convention facilities - think SanDiego (ComicCon), Atlanta (Dragon*Con), Orlando (MegaCon), etc.


New Publisher
Nerd alert! As a genderless (neuter) word, museum is properly pluralized in Latin with an "a" (musea). Realistically, most English speakers will just treat it as any other word and use an s.

Moving on, I preferred Lake Geneva. Even though I barely remember TSR, the more historical location seemed more appropriate to me.

That was actually an auto correct on my phone, or typo, that I missed.

Putting it in Lake Geneva significantly decreases the impact of the museum. Put it where it will be visited and seen by the masses, not just the committed few.

I am baffled anyone would want it in Lake Geneva, other than for sentimental reasons.


I voted Lake Geneva because it's to D&D what Memphis is to blues music. It is where the hobby was born and a museum would make it a destination for geek pilgrims who wouldn't otherwise visit Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

Indianapolis could work too, but it wouldn't be my first choice.


First Post
Putting it in Lake Geneva significantly decreases the impact of the museum. Put it where it will be visited and seen by the masses, not just the committed few.
Like Canton or Cooperstown (i.e. sports halls of fame)? Those seem pretty esoteric to me but they were chosen for sentimental value I assume.


Lake Geneva. Can't stand Florida, esp not their Mouse-land. Lake Geneva needs the tourist $ more. Sure, winter might be a bit harsh, but think of the gaming session possibilities.


New Publisher
Like Canton or Cooperstown (i.e. sports halls of fame)? Those seem pretty esoteric to me but they were chosen for sentimental value I assume.

Canton is close to most of the east. Few people go to Cooperstown outside serious baseball fans and NE residents. Those are actually great examples of bad ideas.

Also, those decisions were made decades ago, and a lot has changed in the world since then.

Museums have a purpose, and that purpose is to share and spread knowledge. Putting them in small communities far from major metro areas does not do that.

Just because we used to do things a certain way does not mean we should keep doing that.

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