D&D 5E Which Classic Settings do you think WotC will publish?

Which (up to) Four Settings Do You Think WotC Will Publish (in 2021-24)?

  • Blackmoor

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Greyhawk

    Votes: 35 24.3%
  • Dragonlance

    Votes: 88 61.1%
  • Forgotten Realms - Faerun only

    Votes: 48 33.3%
  • Forgotten Realms - Other (beyond Faerun)

    Votes: 13 9.0%
  • Mystara (with or without Hollow World)

    Votes: 10 6.9%
  • Dark Sun

    Votes: 87 60.4%
  • Spelljammer

    Votes: 36 25.0%
  • Planescape

    Votes: 46 31.9%
  • Planescape/Spelljammer Hybrid (in some form or fashion)

    Votes: 58 40.3%
  • Birthright

    Votes: 5 3.5%
  • Council of Wyrms

    Votes: 5 3.5%
  • Jakandor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ghostlight

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nentir Vale/Nerath ("Points of Light")

    Votes: 13 9.0%
  • Kara-Tur (as separate from FR)

    Votes: 4 2.8%
  • Other/None/I'm Being Difficult

    Votes: 7 4.9%


Please read these four points carefully before voting:

  1. By "publish" I mean a dedicated setting book. It can be a setting-adventure hybrid, but it shouldn't just be implied and background flair like Saltmarsh/Greyhawk, or any of the FR story arcs.
  2. I am not asking what you hope they publish; share your wishful thinking in the comments. I'm asking which ones you think they'll publish. In other words, which settings you think make sense for WotC to publish in the current time.
  3. Pick up to four and only four, and consider only the 2021-24 timeframe (reasons explained below).
  4. Please share your reasoning in the comments. Why did you pick the ones you picked?
Some thoughts and considerations...

Some factors to consider: First of all, each classic setting requires varying degrees of work. All require writing actual text, gathering lore, etc, but they vary in terms of how much work they need in terms of crunch (mechanics) and fluff (lore). In that regard, consider the current socio-cultural zeitgeist, as well as a younger fan-base. Secondly, each has varying degrees of nostalgia. While nostalgia is mostly a factor with older players, they (we) still make up a significant voice. Finally, and what I think should be the most important factor (even if it isn't to WotC), ask what the setting brings that is "new" (to 5E); that is, how does it expand the possibilities of D&D 5E? If it is more of the same but in different clothes, do you think it is worth the effort? Etc. And then, of course, balance all three factors, and consider others that you thought of that I didn't mention.

Context for guidelines (4 and through 2024): As most reading this will know, it has been mentioned that they have "three classic settings" in various stages of development, or at least that they're planning on doing something with. We know one is Ravenloft, so that leaves two. I don't think this is set in stone, but at least it gives us something.

It also seems likely that they plan to continue to publish two setting books a year. Whether or not they'll up their every-other-year pattern for Magic settings remains to be seen, but even then it implies that we might see one classic setting per year, maybe more this year if they don't publish a Magic setting (that is, Ravenoft + another setting). So if we take 2024 as the "all bets are off" point, that gives us three and a half years of possible settings to consider, or about to seven settings: One more in 2021 and two each in 2022-23, and anywhere from zero to two in 2024, with the possibility that they only publish one in one of those years. that gives us a range of 4-7, with 5-6 more likely than 4 or 7 (in my opinion).

Note: I originally made the poll for only three, but added a fourth because I also added 2024 (and also, admittedly, because I was struggling to whittle it down to just 3). But I think 3 is more likely in the given timespan, but 4 gives us some wiggle room.

General Thoughts: Of course ultimately we don't know anything. The above is just what I hope to be reasonable conjecture, which leads me to think that in the next three and a half years we'll see at least five official setting books: at least two for Magic, at least two Classics, and at least one Exandria expansion and/or a Big Surprise! (new setting...Iomandra? Sylvan-Fey-Dragon World?).

And of course they may continue to publish settings after the anniversary year. They could revise 5E in 2024, call it "Edition Perrenis" and then set out to publish a book for every classic and magic setting, plus more, for years and decades to come. But I think it is more reasonable to consider only the next few years, which is both more realistic (considering the way things change, both within the game itself and in society), and also gives us a bit of structure for our considerations.

OK, have at it. I'll share my four picks and reasons in a reply.

EDIT: That should be Ghostwalk, not "Ghostlight." Whoops.
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I found it really difficult to whittle it down to just four, with my finalists being Forgotten Realms (Faerun), Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Dark Sun, Planescape, and Spelljammer. I don't think any of the others really stand much of a chance, at least relative to those six, with Nentir Vale and Mystara closest to making the final six.

My picks and reasons:

Planescape/Spelljammer Hybrid. No, I'm not cheating - or not mostly. I honestly think they'll hybridize them, somewhat like they did with 4E. It just makes sense, or rather, doesn't make sense not to. You make Sigil and the Outlands the starting point, and can either sale the material planes via the Astral Sea in a spelljammer, or travel through gates to the other planes. This could also be a stand in for "The Planes, in some form or fashion."

Dark Sun: Because Athas is cool and, more to the point, it offers a vibe and aesthetic that 5E hasn't touched: post-apocalyptic sword and sorcery, in a desert setting no less.

Forgotten Realms: It is just kind of crazy that they haven't done a setting book yet (and no, SCAGS doesn't count). In a way, they almost "have to" -- to say, "you've done all these adventures, but here's the rest of the world...now we're going to move on." I think it will be centered on Faerun, but touch upon other lands - like the great FRCS did.

As for the final slot, I'm torn between GH and DL. On one hand, GH makes so much sense in 2024, as part of a celebration of the 50th anniversary. On the other, I'm not sure how well it will be received by newer/younger players, especially when they already have FR. As for DL, I just don't know if they're going to do official products for the new novels, and if so, how. I could see them do a box set adventure/setting hybrid. I could also see a full multi-book treatment. I could also see them license it out again. And I'm not sure all of the dragon stuff = Dragonlance. It could, as many others have suggested, mean a dragons/fey themed monster book, or it could also mean, as I wishfully dreamt about, a new setting in a fey/sylvan world involving dragon overlords. So I'll go with:

Greyhawk: In the end, GH is the classic D&D setting, and it would be odd to have a line of classic setting books without doing the grandfather of them all. I do think it will be 2024 and probably a box set.

In the end, I hope they do as many classic and new settings as possible. Even when I'm in an inactive playing state, I still buy setting books because they're fun to browse. And I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually see the six I mentioned and Nentir Vale and Mystara, and maybe even Birthright or some version of Council of Wyrms. I would guess, though, that Jakandor and Ghostwalk are dead and gone for good, and if we see an Asian setting it won't be Kara-Tur.
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bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
I don't like the idea that there will only be four in the time period chosen. Why would they do 3 through 2022 and then only 1 in the next two years?


I don't like the idea that there will only be four in the time period chosen. Why would they do 3 through 2022 and then only 1 in the next two years?
Well, we don't know that a second is coming out in 2021. It could be that they plan one per year for the foreseeable future and that they'll publish a Magic setting, so that it will be one classic and one Magic (or other) going forward.

But the limit of 4 is also in order to make choices. It could also read as, "Which four classic settings do you think are most likely to receive official treatment?" Or "which are the next four in line?"


Book-Friend, he/him
Forgotten Realms: It is just kind of crazy that they haven't done a setting book yet (and no, SCAGS doesn't count). In a way, they almost "have to" -- to say, "you've done all these adventures, but here's the rest of the world...now we're going to move on." I think it will be centered on Faerun, but touch
Not really. First, SCAG counts for the only important reason, it still sells well. Second, they publish regular microdoses of further Setting information in the big Adventure products. I expect that pattern to hold for the next few years, at least.

So, WotC has five Tier One popular Settings: Forgotten Realms (covered), Eberron (covered), Ravenloft (covered), Planescape, and Dark Sun. There are three Tier Two Settings: Greyhawk, Dragonlance, and Spelljammer. Everything else is a distant Tier Three.

I don't think they'll do Spelljammer by 2024, so I conclude the likely suspects for the other two classic Settings in production (and what comes next) are Planescape, Dark Sun, Greyhawk, and Dragonlance.


Book-Friend, he/him
On another note, Magic's Mark Rosewater has been getting questions on Tumbler about future D&D Magic Sets, and said maybe if the Forgotten Realms Set is a success: what if in 2024, we get Greyhawk as a 5E book, and a 50th anniversary classic D&D inspired Magic Set in Greyhawk?


So, I voted for:

Dark Sun
Forgotten Realms (Faerun Only)

Why? Nothing scientific, just a gut feeling that if they go this far with classic settings (that is, if they publish up to 4 more after Ravenloft and Eberron) then I think these four are most likely.

Dark Sun - Not my thing, but seems to have enough of a following to make it viable. It was one of the few settings to get a 4E treatment, which is a statement in itself. Yes, there are problematic elements as talked about in various threads on these boards, but those can be cleaned up for publication.

Dragonlance - I know that people complain about railroading in the original adventures, but a new trilogy is coming out and cross-marketing is likely. May be nostalgia or old age setting in here, but this might be one of the things that is retro cool to come around again.

Forgotten Realms (Faerun Only) - The continuing sales of SCAG argue against this, but it is the default setting and the one that has lasted since the early days in more formats than even Greyhawk. They are cross promoting with the Magic: The Gathering set, so I just get the feeling this will come out at some point.

Greyhawk - With the upcoming 50th Anniversary this is a likely thing I think. Really just copying @Mercurius and @Parmandur there.

As for the main contenders I did not vote for, well ...

Mystara - My first exposure to a campaign world when it was still only the "Known World" in the Basic and Expert sets. Nostalgia on this for sure, but Forgotten Realms is the kitchen sink setting, no room for Mystara as well.

Nentir Vale
- Like the concept, but I think the general material they pulled from the setting for use as examples in the 5E DMG is all we will get.

Planescape - Again, not my thing, but I think WotC is avoiding this because it may just be too niche. Yes, it has die-hard fans (again as evidenced by threads on these boards), but it seems that while it always looked great, the 2E sales were not as great as some thing (just from what I have heard in various threads, I have no actual proof). Plus, from what I understand, much of the content is already being covered in other books that have already been released (Blood War, Gith, etc.). If it does come out, I wish it well and hope that everyone who loves it gets what they want.

Spelljammer - Even more niche than Planescape and has the added problem of being saddled with the "goofy" setting reputation, Giff, Giant Space Hamsters, Miniature Giant Space Hamsters, etc.

Take it all for what it is worth, just my opinion.

Cheers :)

Edited for spelling and formatting.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
Not really. First, SCAG counts for the only important reason, it still sells well. Second, they publish regular microdoses of further Setting information in the big Adventure products. I expect that pattern to hold for the next few years, at least.

This is really important; I'm fully convinced that the WotC team considers "all of Forgotten Realms" way to big to contain one setting book. I also don't think they're keen on pumping multiple setting books for one setting. But they do like pumping out "mini-settings" tied to their annual adventure books, and I expect they'll continue to release those.

Just based on my gut feelings, I present the Jakandor Scale, based on the M:tG Rabiah Scale...

Forgotten Realms - Faerun only​
Forgotten Realms - Other (beyond Faerun)​
Mystara (with or without Hollow World)​
Dark Sun​
Planescape/Spelljammer Hybrid (in some form or fashion)​
Council of Wyrms​
Nentir Vale/Nerath ("Points of Light")​
Kara-Tur (as separate from FR)​

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
Just based on my gut feelings, I present the Jakandor Scale, based on the M:tG Rabiah Scale...

Forgotten Realms - Faerun only​
Forgotten Realms - Other (beyond Faerun)​
Mystara (with or without Hollow World)​
Dark Sun​
Planescape/Spelljammer Hybrid (in some form or fashion)​
Council of Wyrms​
Nentir Vale/Nerath ("Points of Light")​
Kara-Tur (as separate from FR)​

...Yeah, I agree with every choice here. Checks out for me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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