Which Environment book would you buy?

Which book would you buy?

  • Sandstorm

    Votes: 17 11.3%
  • Stormwrack

    Votes: 32 21.3%
  • Frostburn

    Votes: 31 20.7%
  • Cityscape

    Votes: 40 26.7%
  • None, they're all terrible!

    Votes: 21 14.0%
  • Other: Please Specify

    Votes: 9 6.0%

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
tylermalan said:
Also, I haven't really flipped through Stormwrack, but I thought it was about adventuring on the sea, as opposed to IN the sea. Am I wrong?
It's both. There's material that supports sailing ships (including new races, spells and feats) and beneath the waves (including new races, spells and feats). And monsters and adventure locations.

the Jester

Well, I voted for Frostburn, under the assumption that you're asking for advice; but I personally would buy Cityscape, since I have the other ones already. :)

Gold Roger

First Post
My default campaign setting is quite far removed from cold areas.

I own Stormwrack

I'm more interested in wilderness, travel, dungeoneering, village, planar and crosscountry politics adventures than city adventuring and Cityscape doesn't seem to offer on city advice I'm interested in.

I like Desserts and Sandstorm seem chock full of stuff close to my preferences. So Sandstorm it is.


Getting lost in fantasy maps
Gold Roger said:
I like Desserts and Sandstorm seem chock full of stuff close to my preferences.
My favorite dessert is cheesecake. I'll wait for the pies and pastries sourcebook, Sugarbuzz. :lol: I've been waiting for more rules to add to an "Orc and Pie" campaign. Especially an expansion of the Profession (cook) rules!


Roll a d4? Really, I liked the first 3 and am interested in seeing the 4th. Stormwrack is the one I probably use the most due to the nature of my game, though I use other seafaring books as well.

For my dollar, Wildscape...

I bought this one first, then grabbed Frostburn..and realized what a waste of money. Wildscape provides D20 rules for navigating pretty much any style of terrain as well as some good role-playing bits. Its more than a 'ooh, new PrC!' book...

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