OD&D Which Mystara/OD&D monsters should be in an article for Dragon mag? (Poll #1)

Take your time. See below for more info on creatures with an *

  • [url=http://pandius.com/agarat2.html]Agarat[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/beast/baric.htm]Baric[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://pandius.com/sprackle.html]Bird, Sprackle[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cat, Great, Bekkah *

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cay-Man *

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cryion *

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/ooze/diger.htm]Diger[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Epadrazzil *

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://pandius.com/ghorde.html]Ghostly Horde[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/plant/jupiter_bloodsucker.htm]Jupiter Bloodsucker[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://pandius.com/jumper.html]Jumper[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kal-Muru *

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lamara *

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Leveller *

    Votes: 0 0.0%


Creature Cataloguer
This is poll #1, see the other to continue voting.

Based on this thread, it looks like Dragon is looking for Mystara articles in a hurry. So, we are going to send them a monster article! :)

(links in the poll are examples only; all monsters to be in an accepted submission will be re-converted.)

Adaptor - HD 8, humanoid natural polymorphs
Amber Lotus Flower - HD 1/2, sprays sleep pollen
Amoeba, Giant - 30-foot wide, envelop and acid
Beetle, Earthquake - HD 40, 100-foot long beetle has a black dragon head and breath weapon
Beetle, Giant, Tiger - HD 2, has tiger striped carapace for camouflage
Caecillia - HD 6, 30-foot gray worm that swallows prey
Cat, Great, Bekkah - HD 12, 2 claws & bite, roar stuns, looks like a panther
Cay-Man - HD 2, small lizardfolk relative
Chameleon Man - HD 2 humanoid, dimension door
Cryion - HD 2 monstrous humanoid, arctic shaggy bat creatures
Death Demon (Ostego) - HD 7, maybe Outsider? Have adamantine claws and poison bite
Death Leech - HD 8, undead amoeba creature can polymorph into corporeal undead
Desert Ghost - elemental, HD 4, electrical touch
Devil Swine - HD 9, shapechanger that can change from obese human to huge hog
Dragon, Gem - Mystaran gem dragons include Crystal, Onyx, Jade, Sapphire, Ruby, and Tigers' Eye and their Rulers
Dragon, Sea - HD 8, spit poison
Dragonfly - crossbreed of insect and chromatic dragons
Drakes - man-sized dragonlike creatures: Mandrake, Woodrake, Colddrake, Elemental Drake
Epadrazzil - HD 4, scaled apelike creature that attacks from inside a painting
Faedorne - humanoid, HD 9, 2 daggers, magical females, mistresses of illusion
Fundamentals - elementals, HD 1, swoop attack, look like batwings without bodies
Fungoid - HD 10, ogre-sized fungus creature
Fyrsnaca - HD 10, related to purple worms, breathe a line of fire (adult form of Red Worm)
Gakarak - HD 16, Large treant-like creature, brooding and hateful
Gargantua - template, gargantuan versions of any normal animal or monster
Garl - HD 6, Large primitive humanoids
Gator Man - HD 7, humanoids with alligator heads, enemies of lizardfolk
Golem, Mud - HD 8, hug and smother
Golem, Rock - HD 16, weapons shatter when struck
Golem, Silver - HD 12, very fast like quicksilver
Grab Grass - tall grass that grapples creatures who walk through it
Gremlin - HD 1, short humanoids with chaotic aura that destroyed devices, and causes an creatures attacks to hit the creature
Guardian Warrior - HD 5, ceramic mounted constructs
Gyerian - HD 3, bipedal birds, 2 claws and bite
Helion - fire elemental creature, HD 9, lawful good, look like ring of flame and constricts
Herex - HD 13, giant insects, acidic bite
Hivebrood - ant-like humanoid parasites that work in a hive
Homunculus (Ulzaq, Gretch, Fylgar) - HD 3, Immortals in lesser forms serving a penance
Horde - swarm of insectlike creatures from the plane of Earth
Huptzeen - construct, HD 3+, shape of ring or jewelry, casts spells
Hutaakan - 1HD, jackal-headed humanoids
Hydrax - 5 HD water elemental creature, looks like crab made of ice
Juggernaut, Wood - HD 25, like the stone juggernaut from MMII
Kal-Muru (Ship Bane) - air elemental creatures, HD 2, cause confusion
Kara-Kara - 1 HD, orc-like tribal island dwellers
Killer Tree - 6 HD, grapples with branches and swallows
Kna - HD 7, aquatic fishlike humanoids that train Mashers
Kryst - HD 9, crystalline rock Earth elementals that ram opponents with spikes
Lamara - HD 8, half snake half human, charms and constricts
Lava Lizard - HD 4, bite deals fire damage, melts weapons that hit it
Leveller (Bodendruker) - HD 45, multi-trunked elephantlike creature that tramples
Leviathan - HD 60 for desert variety, 70 for marine variety, gigantic worms
Magen (Hypnos, Demos, Caldron, Galvan) - constructs, "magical people" that look like humanoids
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First Post
Some of these have already appeared in 3.x products. I know the Bhut is in FF and I'm pretty sure I've seen the Fundamentals somewhere. The Diabolus have also appeared somewhere already, but I can't think where.


First Post
I have voted, and although I did not vote for the dragons, I am interrested in aquiring their stats so I can convert them.

Also, a small note regarding the Leviathans. I suggest that we rename them to Leviathan Worms before sending them in, so as to not cause confusion with the MM2 Leviathan (which is a whale).


First Post
kilamanjaro said:
The Diabolus have also appeared somewhere already, but I can't think where.
IIRC they've appeared in a fairly recent issue of Dragon. :D

Are we having a theme for the article (other than mystaran monsters) such as elementals, dragonkin etc.?

I volunteered to convert the mystaran gem dragons awhile ago, however other than their descriptions and a second breathweapon they are described as being identical to the chromatic dragon of the appropriate colour, so I went off the idea. :(

I voted for the gargantua, but I think that would work best as a template.

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Creature Cataloguer
Ferret said:
I voted but only on the names, I didn't bother reading the synopisis :heh:


it took me a few hours to get all of those descriptions made up - and names can be misleading. :) for example, if you thought the devil swine was anything more than a lycanthrope you were mistaken... :)


Creature Cataloguer
sorry John, i already sent in the proposal about 1/2 hour ago... i should have closed the poll.

Edit: hmm, don't know how. :(

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