D&D 5E Which would you play next? (pretend you're in my game)

Which would you pick to play next?

  • Continue with current campaign in "West Marches" phase

    Votes: 20 28.2%
  • Temple of Elemental Evil

    Votes: 14 19.7%
  • Shadow of the Dragon Queen

    Votes: 18 25.4%
  • BECMI / Gamma World

    Votes: 16 22.5%
  • None of these appeal to me and I'd sit out

    Votes: 3 4.2%

  • Poll closed .


Since your 'None of these' option included having to sit out... I went with continuing the campaign from where it was because it would be a new 5E game that was not either of the two you offered. I don't care about Dragonlance at all, and I know enough about EE to know it's pretty much just a massive slog of combat after combat after combat for session after session. Which might have been fine way back when when using Basic D&D or AD&D when all the numbers were much smaller and fights could end in like 5 minutes... but doing it n 5E? No way.

Personally... I'd rather start a new 5E game back at 1st level that was not DL or ToEE.

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Loves Your Favorite Game
Option Two: Revised Temple of Elemental for 5E
Create new characters in the same setting, but in a different part of the republic with a new series of adventures based on ToEE. This game would have a chance of merging with the first campaign once it reaches about the same level as the first - allowing for players to choose between characters to bring to adventures, or return to old plot points, etc.
Love having an opportunity to try out new toolkits and personalities, and the bolded part would be very satisfying if pulled off well, so that gets my vote. Though, obviously, I get to say this without having to deal with the attachment to the current characters.


Moderator Emeritus
I know enough about EE to know it's pretty much just a massive slog of combat after combat after combat for session after session. Which might have been fine way back when when using Basic D&D or AD&D when all the numbers were much smaller and fights could end in like 5 minutes... but doing it n 5E? No way.

Personally... I'd rather start a new 5E game back at

Well two things about that:
1. My group likes combat as I tend to run dynamic combats with stakes.
2. As with all modules I run, I will be modifying it to fit our style.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Kinda a weird poll in that really only your player's votes matter, but you can't put up Gamma World without me voting for gamma world. Pure nostalgia. Have no idea how it holds up. But I have fond memories of Gamma World and would love to have a chance to play in it again.

I'd probably go for SotDQ. I normally want a change of pace after playing one character for a long time, and I haven't played enough 5e to be bored of it yet. And I like the idea of a full-on melodramatic good vs evil epic fantasy romance extravaganza, and that's exactly the sort of thing that DL is suited for (and I might end up running a SotDQ campaign for just that reason, though I'd prefer to play).


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
What level are the current characters? If they’re getting to a pretty fun level range I’d probably want to continue.

Voidrunner's Codex

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