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Who are your favorite artists?

I've always dug Jasper Johns. Some of his stuff is a little straightforward like "Flag, 1954" (which I still like), but "Edingsville" is just cool.

Lately, I've been really getting into N.C. Wyeth. His paintings have so much drama and life to them, and it helps that he did lots of subjects that appeal to my geek side like knights and pirates. I'm thinking of getting a couple of his prints for my living room; I've never seen anything like that as somebody's centerpiece before.

Photography is something I've always geeked out about. Ansel Adams is a favorite of mine, and while everyone loves his Yosemite works I've actually got a great picture he did of the San Francisco skyline from the south that's one of my favorites. He's more well-known for the Yosemite pictures, but really he could shoot anything.

I also love the work of the FSA/OWI photographers during the Depression, like Dorothea Lange's "Migrant Mother". Without going too political, I'd hold up the FSA/OWI archives to anyone who says that government subsidies have no place in art.

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I'm a big fan of Dahli's stuff. Crazy wacko insane fun. Of course, this may come from my painting a 9 foot tall, 14 foot wide mural of his melting clocks a couple years back. The actual name of that painting(as usual) is eluding my brain at the moment, but its just so fun. Most of his other stuff hits me the same way. though I'm also a fan of the more classic Van Gogh stuff, but that may have something to do with all those self portraits he's done. Gives me an excuse when people see how many self portraits I've done...;)

The Shaman

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Gustave Baumann. Edward Hopper. Winslow Homer. Georges Suerat. Frank Gehry. Thomas Moran. Edward Gorey. Many others...

I've been collecting the Scribners classics for the N.C. Wyeth illustrations as much as the stories - Maxfield Parrish's paintings for Arabian Nights are also excellent.

I love stuff by the Futurist movement (facist associations notwithstanding), plus Pop Art/Pop Surrealism like Mark Ryden, Tim Buskup, Shag, etc.

I also enjoy a good bit of Art Nouveau (especially when it bleeds over into fantasy art. Art Nouveau dragons look hella cool.), Bauhaus design/Klee...I pretty much like mostly modern and medieval art, with exceptions for Heironymous Bosch, and other Northern Renaissance masters, Goya covering for the interim.


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I never stop to analyze why I like something, but I can list what speaks to me. The short list of must-have artists includes Van Gogh, Ramon Santiago, Salvador Dali, M.C. Escher, Curt Swan, Neal Adams, and Bruce Timm. Phil Barlow and Thomas Perkins also strike me as wanting to collect images based on their work. Lately, Ed McGuiness has been occupying my visual space.

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