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Who else considers he has now enough d20 stuff and won't buy more?


Well, about six months ago, I came to the conclusion that may next D&D game would probably consist of only the PHB, DMG, MM, and UA. This morning, I started thinking my next fantasy game would be Hero, not d20.

D&D has just gotten to the point were there are too many options to consider. Using only WotC books, I still have to pare down the material to make it consumable by the players. A chunk of the group wouldn't even know where to begin if I laid everything out in front of them. In fact, even the 15 year vets in my group are intimidated by the number of books I can whip out for truly "open" character creation -- PHB, only, at that point.

Any purchases I make at this point are for the couple of gems that might be in the book. The default assumption is that each feat, PrC, spell, etc. will not be permitted. That also means that, now that the "Complete" books have run to completion (no pun intended), I'll only be picking up books that deal with a subject I think I'll use heavily. My next likely purchase is the DMG II. Sandstorm is a "thumb-through, then decide" as I know my game will have some desert scenes. Otherwise, it's just Dungeon on the d20 front -- man, I wish they'd put out another "classic" module, like Ravenloft, ToEE, etc.

It looks like I'm going to be shifting toward picking up the new WoD books, now. I'm kinda stoked by the reboot and wouldn't mind getting the "set" for future use. Even Werewolf has me dying to give it a try -- and I wouldn't have touched the original. I may pick up d20 Modern and bits of that line, too.

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First Post
Turanil said:
Yes, it's a sort of rant...

With my last purchase (which disappointed me), I decided that I probably have more than enough d20/D&D material (appr. 50 books) and now must stop. Of course I have yet to get the last one (d20 Past), maybe one or two modules so I don't need write my own, but I am basically done. In any case I don't use much of most of these books. Better try to plunder them again anytime I can, rather than succumb to the sirens of Internet marketing and still buy more stuff. I see that I am less and less enlivened by what I purchase. Now is time to stop and just use what I have (in any case it's more than I can use).

The problem is, that if more and more react like me, the market will probably not live for long. So, what about you?

i'm almost exactly the opposite--i'm just starting to buy D20 System stuff. I didn't see anything D20 System thai thought was worth buying [at cover price] before Nyambe and Spycraft. Last year was the first year that produced more than 3-4 D20 System products that interested me. 2005 is shaping up to be the year when D20 System finally catches up with my other favorite games on my "to buy" list. [That is, at the current rate i will probably buy as many D20 System products (from all vendors combined) as i do, say, Tri-Stat products. Though, if i like the new Werewolf as much as i did the old one, it might still be ahead--games like Ars Magica and Over the Edge would probably beat everything else out, if they simply produced the books faster: i buy them as fast as they print them, which isn't very fast.]

Anyway, i was never enlivened by the WotC releases, nor by most D20 System products (both because of tone/content, and because of the choice to stay mechanically-similar to D&D3[.5]E), so i didn't buy them. And i'm not at all the poorer for it. Nor will you, in any way, suffer from no longer buying D20 System stuff. If, as you say, it no longer appeals to you (whether because of saturation or declining quality), then you lose nothing if that segment of the market does collapse--just as i wouldn't care if the videogame market disappeared overnight, because i get nothing out of it.

Also, i don't think there's any danger of D20 System disappearing, or even ceasing to be marketable. In fact, with Blue Rose, Iron Lore, Castles & Crusades, and older things like Spycraft D20 and Mutants & Masterminds and BESM D20, i think we're finally starting to see the long-awaited [at least by me] 2nd-generation of D20 System--it's finally starting to truly grow beyond the limitations of D&D3E. And it's only going to get better. The market has survived long enough for people to see empirically that the promises of synergies are at least partly true and that the market isn't as afraid of change as was originally suggested. And the very saturation you decry is forcing branching out. We've gone beyond a pseudo-GURPS solution of "everything the same, except for where it's different" to a more Fudge-like solution of "build what you works for your game"--and i think this is a very good thing. The ennui you describe is a direct product of making everything compatible--within the limited space of "just like D&D3E, but with new widgets" (especially since some of the widgets are seen as not diserable to change), you eventually realizze that all the widgets start to look alike. Allowing games to diverge, and become "incompatible", is the perfect way to escape this trap, making stuff that will truly refresh your game for its difference. Notice how most of the stuff that got the biggest raves in Unearthed Arcana was the really different stuff--the stuff that *couldn't* just get plugged into your existing D&D3.5e game.

[btw, sorry for the thread resurrection--i was out of town for 2+ weeks, and didn't have time to reply before i left.]


First Post
My buys are still way down. For d20 I have only gotten Races of Stone and Races of Wild. Though I have bought two Paranoia products as well as some older titles I found used. I am planning on getting the Stargate RPG since I'll be running that soon, but otherwise not too many titles are ones I want to buy.


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I've got a pretty siginificant list of stuff to buy this year in my wish list at Amazon.com (which I mostly use to hold stuff I end up buying for myself), and that's not counting some stuff that isn't listed yet (like Iron Lore). I need to do something with my disposable income, don't have the vacation time to go on long trips, and cutting off my gaming budget entirely wouldn't have a significant impact on me paying off my student loans or buying a condo in less time...

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Theres not much one can buy on a $40 dollar monthly budget, and my Amazon wishlist keeps getting longer. However, I am really picky about what I want. My next two purchases are Sandstorm and Experts.


I said that after Complete Divine, but the Warlock from Complete Arcane sucked me back in. I got the class books. won't get the race or enviro. books. I like that battlefield book coming out. And I like what I hear about Iron Lore. And I will get Castle Zagyg (not quite d20 but close) when it comes out.

So I am not slowing down. But someday I will. Mike Mearls can't live forever.


First Post
woodelf said:
[btw, sorry for the thread resurrection--i was out of town for 2+ weeks, and didn't have time to reply before i left.]
Ah! Since I started this thread (out of spite for having bought something that disappointed me so much), I have err... relaxed my decision to not buy anything anymore. Well, I will probably wait 6 or 9 months before buying anything new, and will probably sell what I don't want anymore on my shelf. I will probably be much more prudent in the future before buying something, and will also buy more in PDF. But well, I now must admit I will still buy stuff (although I am still disappointed with many of the stuff I bought lately).


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Do I need any more d20? No.

Do I want any more d20? Perhaps in the following product lines:

Bad Axe's Grim Tales (anything)
Malhavoc's Iron Lore (3 basic books)
QLI's Traveller T20 (TNE1248)
ADB's d20 Prime Directive (any)

Nothing else.


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d20 specifically I've quit buying, because I've switched systems, but my gaming expenditures are up pretty sharply. So in terms of the gaming industry surviving, I'm doing my part - just buying Castles & Crusades stuff instead of d20.

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