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Who else finds it difficult to act serious at the gaming table

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For in character purposes, I'm pretty good. It's out of character chatter than I tend to get ahead of myself with. Since I GM, when I realize I'm doing it, I try to stop. I hate it when players interrupt me for some quote from Family Guy or something.


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When I started out GMing I used to get really annoyed at meta-game comments, but that was at a time when all I did for a year was to DM. When I started playing again, I realised that sometimes I was making the comments - it was then I realised that actually RPGs are about having fun, and if somethine funny happens, it's ok to comment on it every once in a while, as long as at the end of the day the reason you're getting together is to game, and not to make your fellow gamers laugh.


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edge3343 said:
No no no, I'd never do anything tacticly stupid. Don't get me wrong, I like for my characters to survive as much as the next guy.

You don't have to be silly to do things that are tactically stupid. Even my most serious players use stupid tactics quite often.

We have a lot of out of character joking and teasing that goes on in my gaming group, and some of this filters into the actual game. It is all in good fun, though, which is what the game is all about.


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We tend to digress a lot, talk about films, books, whatever is sparked off by the game. We always manage to get back to it, though, and generally take our gaming quite seriously.

"Humourous" character names are frowned upon, but character quirks are actually rather refreshing. We have a history of not being able to play low-INT characters without being stupid, so we don't play them.


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I play light hearted characters who always have a darker grittier side. Most of the time, the guy has a sharp tongue and the other side comes out when the party can't make up their mind on some moral decision or the DM is putting up a barrier that gets under my skin. In those cases I do whatever the most direct act is that will get the story moving. For this reaon I cannot play Paladins not enjoy adventuring with them. I generally make it a rule never to stick my neck out to help them.


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Rhun said:
You don't have to be silly to do things that are tactically stupid. Even my most serious players use stupid tactics quite often.

We have a lot of out of character joking and teasing that goes on in my gaming group, and some of this filters into the actual game. It is all in good fun, though, which is what the game is all about.
Oh yeah I've done some really tactically stupid things in gaming. My most recent ended in the death of my character. But that was a player mistake not an in character mooning of the BBEG.

You'll read about it soon in the story hour thread for alsih2o's campaign (I believe he has a link in his sig).

Tom Cashel

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I prefer humor arising from in-game situations to that arising from meta comments, but that's the only limit. Funny is funny.

Once I had the whole group cracking up as they fought a bunch of angry trolls. I was role-playing the trolls with hillbilly accents; the father troll was kind of short and bad-tempered, and his sons were twice as big and three times as stupid. It was a dangerous fight but we were all laughing our butts off.

Last week in our Deadlands game, my character awoke to find three men in black hoods in his hotel room. "Why don't you tell us what happened this afternoon, boy?" they demanded.

I deadpanned, "Well, you boys obviously went to the wrong tailor. Beyond that, I can't rightly say."

You had to be there, of course, but it was a funny moment. Then the shootin' started. :)

Stone Angel

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Somenights are better than other and most of us have had a session killer or two where something is so funny or bizarre that it's is simply the highlight of the night. I play for two reasons. To have fun and to relax. I am not a professional d&d player or GM though that would be awesome. So as long as I acomplish those two things then I am just fine, and I can be as serious and roleplay run a gamut of emotions from anger, hate to sorrow and love in the game just like in a theatre or good movie. Or I can be as quircky and degenerately silly as the any Mel Brooks character ever was.

The Seraph of Earth and Stone

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