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Who is at fault?


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Sounds to me like they were angry about being stupid.

Stupid Angry people get upset when other people notice that they are both stupid and angry


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Herobizkit said:
"Realistically", that is, from an in-game p.o.v., the party doesn't know what the range of a fireball would be because they don't know the caster level of the opposing wizard. You told them, sure, but their chatacters wouldn't know; their wizard would have to best-guess anyway and, well, he'd've been wrong. :)

They are seventh level so they could easily be able to guess the range their mage needed and just go back farther then that. What the DM should have done is ask for a specific number that they move back and not the vague way it was phrased.


No matter who is "at fault", the game is suffering. The party wanted to withdraw, so let them. The foes were talking, so the heroes ran away. They weren't getting in (or on with the adventure). It sounds like you have them on the ropes--they will have to think up another way to accomplish whatever goal they were after. Why would the foes waste spells on defeated heroes, anyway? Chalk it up to yuan-ti inscrutability and game on.


My response to Fireball is usually, "Bring it on.

"I'll make my save, take like 14 points of damage, and then I will kick your ass."



Both you AND the players are at fault. A game is about fun. You are both taking it too seriously if both sides were willing to yell about it.


First Post
Honestly? some of them should have been able to make it.

A character can normally run 120 ft per turn,
if they spread as they run the yun-ti can only hit one per round.
This gives the Yun-ti 4 castings before the party gets out of range.
Would the minimum damage on the fireball with a passed save reduce all characters to 0 or less hp?
If not then likely they could have tried, and probably lost a couple characters, but the option was still there.


First Post
-Yeah I admit over reacting, but I never fight with a DM. It seems wrong. I mean if he is crazy I will. Like saying he hits with a great sword for 10d6. About a halfling.
-But if they had agreed to fight it out, they might have won, although 2 had dropped from the first fire ball. He rolled well. And they would have won the 'mortal kombat'. Or they could have utilized the secret enterence I told them about...Or...
-I ruled that they escaped but that the barbarian(that is played by a serious rp kind of guy) who charged the wall of force, got enchanted and captured, so they will rescue him this week.
-And lastly I live in Newark DE, where D&D is a religon. Being a good or bad DM matters more then anything else( looks, money, women, intelligence, what ever.)
-So yeah, I should have kept my cool, but I'm glad most of you agree, that requesting, "I sneak away 700 ft" is pretty damn insane.


Crothian said:
They are seventh level so they could easily be able to guess the range their mage needed and just go back farther then that.

1. The characters don't know the level of the enemy spellcaster. So they wouldn't know how far to move and then some.

2. Even if the characters figure out how powerful the caster is, they can't possibly move farther than 600' without the enemies doing something about it. That's what "rounds" are for.

3. Even if the enemy just stood there and watched the characters move out of range...are the characters using yardsticks or 1000' measuring tape? I doubt that in that type of situation you are going to be counting your footsteps while moving out of range. You could judge 10', maybe 20', but estimating a 600' distance is quite a talent, especially in the heat of the moment.

I think the players were being ridiculous here. And the DM was being way to easy on them. The first few steps back and the caster shoulda let a fireball loose. The party killed a Monk guard in their own temple...I don't think they'd just let the characters walk away.


First Post
A few points here:

1. You are the DM, your decision stands. I know that's not a popular statement among many of the modern "DM vs. players" mindset, but if your players expect you to run a game, they should be prepared to abide by this.

2. Battlemats are very useful, but NOT, I repeat NOT essential for gaming, no matter what anyone tells you. I have seen the very same arguments come up even when using a battlemat - "oh, I forgot to move over here last round - I'll just do it now", which by your second post seems to be the case here.

3. No way any intelligent opponent is going to let a party slink away 600+ feet after initiating an attack without retaliating - to assume they would is absolutely idiotic.

In short, tell your players to suck it up and learn from the experience. If they have a problem with that, they aren't the sort of players I would like to DM for.

I mean, you can probably do it in a much more polite manner than I would... :D

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