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Who wants to be a Wayfinder? Part 1


First Post
Midian Rightson, human druid

As the pirate vaults the distance, Midian drops his bow and quickly draws his shortspear, stabbing out with it.

[sblock=OOC]You have to use Action die before success or failure is declared, but does that mean they have to be rolled all at once on IC? If so, feel free to disregard the second (not sure I hit even with that, anyway):

Attack 11, damage 3
Action die 6 makes Attack 17 instead[/sblock]

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First Post
As the pirate raises his cutlass to strike Whisper, Seria swiftly draws a dagger and plunges it into the mans side beneath the arm. The man screams in pain before collapsing onto the deck. The captain smiles and says, "Well done! Now concentrate on clearing the deck!" Seeing that Seria has dispatched the boarder, Midian fires an arrow down into the fray. He strikes a pirate who was trading blows with a sailor, nearly dropping him. The sailors seem to sense a change in the tide of battle. They press their attacks and cut into the enemy's ranks. Johan spots the large man that threw the grappling hook farther up the deck. The pirate sees him approaching and bellows a challenge. The man raises his axe to split Johan in two, but the paladin is too swift. He runs the man through, invoking his holy smite with a flash of divine energy. The man looks down at the sword in his chest, then at Johan. His face twists in anger for a moment before his eyes roll back and he collapses onto the deck. Demoralized, the pirates fight on desperately, but sense the battle turning against them as well.

Suddenly, there is another loud sound from the pirate ship. The crack in the mast expands a final time and the whole thing wavers wildly. With a groan of timber and the sound of snapping ropes, the mast falls and lands across the front of the pirates ship. The impact drives the nose down and severs the rope holding the two ships together. Your own ship is tossed about like a cork.

Make a balance check vs DC10, if you don't make it roll a reflex save to avoid slipping off the deck.

    0|      ||
   |0 |    |  |
  000000  |[COLOR=RED]PX[/COLOR]P |
 |  0 [COLOR=Blue]P#[/COLOR]|*      |
 |  0   ||[COLOR=RED]X[/COLOR]J0   |
 |  0   || X[/COLOR]    |
 |  0[COLOR=RED]#[/COLOR]   |      |
 |      ||[COLOR=RED]XPX[/COLOR]   |
 |      ||[COLOR=RED]P[/COLOR]P    |
 |    [COLOR=RED]##[/COLOR]||[COLOR=RED]X[/COLOR] 0   |
 |     P||X     |
 |  P   ||WMFX  |
  |    |  |    |
   |  |    |S |
    ||      ||

S : Seria
J : Johan
M : Midian
W : Whisper
F : Captain Fairwright
X : Sailor
P : Pirate

H : Stairs
* : Grappling Hook
0 : Mast
# : Fire

Brown lines represent rope, Red "P"'s are injured pirates. Blue # are the spiders


First Post
Midian Rightson, human druid

Even as the ship bucks and topples, Midian's stance doesn't falter.

"Guess I found my sea legs," he muses. Since his archery has proven useful so far, the druid draws his bowstring and fires again, trying to keep an eye out for how close the other ship has come. He has a few spells that might be useful, but unfortunately they'll require the ship to be nearly upon them.

[sblock=OOC]Natural 20 Balance roll
Bow attack 14, damage 4

Midian has a Warp Wood prepared that he can cast on the second ship's hull to start it taking on water / sinking, but it needs to be within 35 feet to be in range.[/sblock]


First Post
The deck lurches violenty as the ships tear free from one another. Most of the sailors and pirates keep their feet, but a few of them are not so lucky. A single sailor slams against the railing, his sword flying free from his hand as he tumbles over. With his free hand he grabs onto the railing stopping his fall. Two of the pirates also tumble over board. One manages to catch hold of the edge of the deck, but the second disappears with a scream into the water. Johan stumbles across the deck and hits the railing hard, knocking the wind from him. The deck dips beneath him and he pitches off the side. You catch a glimpse of him as he surfaces briefly.
Seria moves across the deck to engage the remaining pirates still aboard the ship. Seeing their vessel half destroyed and moving away, their blows become less aggressive as they concentrate on saving their own skins. Midian uses this opportunity to put an arrow through the back of one of the pirates flanking a sailor.


Johan, Whisper balance (1d20+1=6, 1d20+2=20)
Johan reflex (1d20+4=9)

    0|       ||
   |0 |     |  |
  000000   [COLOR=RED]P X[/COLOR]P |
 |  0 [COLOR=Blue]P#[/COLOR]| *      |
 |  0   | |[COLOR=RED]X[/COLOR]J0   |
 |  0   | | X[/COLOR]    |
 |  0[COLOR=RED]#[/COLOR]   |       |
 |      | [COLOR=RED]X PX[/COLOR]   |
 |      | |[COLOR=RED]P[/COLOR]PS   |
 |    [COLOR=RED]##[/COLOR]| |[COLOR=RED]X[/COLOR] 0   |
 |      | |X     |
 |______| |_____H|
 |  P   | |WMFX  |
  |    |   |    |
   |  |     |  |
    ||       ||

S : Seria
J : Johan
M : Midian
W : Whisper
F : Captain Fairwright
X : Sailor
P : Pirate

H : Stairs
* : Grappling Hook
0 : Mast
# : Fire

Brown lines represent rope, Red "P"'s are injured pirates. Blue # are the spiders


First Post
SelcSilverhand said:
Johan stumbles across the deck and hits the railing hard, knocking the wind from him. The deck dips beneath him and he pitches off the side. You catch a glimpse of him as he surfaces briefly.

"Johan!" Midian cries out as he sees the paladin fall into the water. Without thinking he reaches out to the squid he has bonded with, calling over the waves, "Keep him above water, Seeqir."

Trusting that his companion is far better equipped to keep Johan safe in the water than himself, Midian turns back to the pirates. Even as he fires another arrow, he calls out, "You're done! Surrender now and we won't feed you to the sharks!" Whether the distraction of his friend's watery peril or his desire to end battle is the cause, his bowshot goes wide, sticking in the deck near his target rather than in his chest.

[sblock=OOC]Between the Come and Work tricks, I think Midian should be able to Handle Seeqir (free action. And at +14 to the check, I figure we don't need to bother rolling it. Let me know if you want a roll) to help out Johan. We didn't have him placed, but I figure the Jet ability (which gives Seeqir a 240' straight line movement as a full round action) ought to be enough to get him where he needs to be to support Johan.

Bow attack 10 ugh.

I don't think I can actually make an effective Diplomacy check, but his modifier is +6 if he can.[/sblock]


First Post
(gah! Sorry! For some reason I thought I'd posted here...nork...)

Whisper holds onto the railing with her left hand and raises her right. Down to force blasts...but that should be plenty to take on the last of the pirates.

Well, THESE pirates anyway.

She glances back at the other ship that was still coming.

(delaying action to cast Magic Missile on the first pirate to take an aggressive (attack) action...hopefully discouraging the others from joining him. :))

Mista Collins

First Post
Seria waits patiently, with dagger in hand, ready to stab the first pirate to attack her or a sailor.

[sblock=ooc]readying an action to attack any pirate who doesn't head Midian's words[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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