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Who wants to be a Wayfinder? Part 1

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The crew goes to work removing the rigging holding the diving bell in place. They connect the air pumps to the hoses and slowly swing the derrick off the back of the boat. The bell lowers slowly into the water until it rests on the surface, bobbing with the waves. The sailors lower a rope ladder and help you down into the chilly water where you can swim into the bell. The captain calls down to you to say, "The sun will be nearly down in two hours, so don't stay down too long!" When everyone is in the bell, the sailors begin working the cranks to lower the diving bell.

The water becomes ever colder the lower you go. For what seems like a long time all you can see below you is the dark blue of the depths. The regular hiss of the air pump working sounds loud in the bell. Finally, you make out lighter patches in the darkness, and soon you can see the sandy sea bottom. The bell stops twenty feet off the bottom. A quick plunge below the water and you can see your goal at last. The dead ship lies on the sea bottom some thirty feet away. It's hull is partially sunk into the sea bottom, tipping the bow up slightly. The shreds of its sails trail like seaweed in the oceans current.


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Midian Rightson, human druid

Shayuri said:
Whisper nods. "You know what you're doing out here. We'll follow your lead."

Midian blushes. "Well, I'm proabably better in a forest of trees than one of seaweed, but I like to think I remember my marine biology courses at university," he says.

"Johan has the right idea," he adds, pointing to the pared-down gear on the paladin. "If we get out of the bell, the scrolls can let us breathe, but they don't change most of the other restrictions we'll encounter underwater. It'll be harder to wield a weapon if need be, and arrows won't be good at any kind of distance. Hopefully, we won't have to worry about any of that, but we should be prepared." So saying, Midian takes the healing wand from his backpack and slides it into his belt next to his pouch with mistletoe. He takes one of the scrolls, handing another to Whisper ("Keeping the eggs out of one basket, yes?"), and leaves the third in his room with most of his gear.

[sblock=OOC]Taking Wand, scroll, holly and mistletoe, and Shortspear. Still wearing armor, as well. The rest stays in his room for now.[/sblock]


First Post
Midian Rightson, human druid

SelcSilverhand said:
The bell stops twenty feet off the bottom. A quick plunge below the water and you can see your goal at last. The dead ship lies on the sea bottom some thirty feet away. It's hull is partially sunk into the sea bottom, tipping the bow up slightly. The shreds of its sails trail like seaweed in the oceans current.

Midian holds his shortspear out in front of him and lightly brushes the tip with a piece of mistletoe, mumbling something you can't quite make out. As he lifts the mistletoe, the spearhead begins to glow brightly.

"This should make things easier in the murk," he says. "And it will serve a more important function. This light lasts as long as one of the scrolls once we divide the water breathing among the four of us. If we wait, say, five minutes, then we'll have a decent warning signal: when my spear's light flickers out, we'll have five minutes to get back to the bell before we lose our magical aid."

[sblock=OOC]At least, I think my math's right there. Light is 10 min/level (30 min. for a 3rd level druid). Water Breathing is 2 hours / level split amongst those touched (120/4=30). Scrolls are figured at minimum level, yes? So both spells would have 30 minute effective durations? Or am I figuring that all wrong? Since Midian has no ranks in Spellcraft, I suppose it would be in character for him to need the other spellcasters to school him. ;)[/sblock]

Mista Collins

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Taking only her leather armor and dagger, Seria lowers herself into the water and shivers slightly. "Much colder than I expected."

As the party reaches the bottom and notices the ship, Seria stares in awe at the sight of a ship resting on the ocean floor instead of on the surface of the water. She finds it more chilling than the temperature of the water.


First Post
"Good thinking, Midian," Whisper says quietly as she looks out at the sunken ship.

"I don't see any flag or markings...can we be sure this is the right one?"


First Post
The chill of the ocean depths seeps into your bones as you begin swimming towards the wreck. The ship is large, easily twice the size of the Stalwart Mariner. As you draw nearer you can see extensive damage. Whether the damage is from a battle or from rotting on the seabed, you cannot say. The seabed around it is littered with debris. It has three masts, and all but the center one have snapped off. One broken mast lies still connected by a tangle of ropes angling down into the mud nearby. Dozens of ropes and pieces of nets drift in the current on the upper deck like a jellyfish's nettles. You are approaching from the port side of the ship, near the bow. There are no large holes in the hull that you can see, but some of the planking has warped and you may be able to squeeze between them one at a time. There are also likely hatches on the upper deck.

Spot DC20
At the far edge of your vision you catch a glimpse of something dark and streamlined cruising past. It is lost in the ever-shifting play of light and shadow but you are convinced that you saw something swim by.

ooc - I'll have a map for you soon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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