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Who Wants to be a Wayfinder? The New Class


The man with the probe
Johan keeps himself between the horrors walking towards him and Ashal, taking a defensive stance.

OOC: Full defensive action, +4 AC, he will continue to do this till he is no a target or Ashal is safe.

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Primus said:
jkason, it takes a full action to create the hawk. Before your hawk gets an attack both Johan and the skellies will. In fact, Johan'll get two since he acts before you cast and then after.

OOC: Sorry about that. I guess I saw the "attacks immediately" part of the spell and missed the casting time. Can I change to a straight-on attack? If not, that's cool, too; It'll teach me to read closer next time. :eek:


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Vhir breathes a sigh of relief when he realizes that the hulking mass hurtling out of the mist is an ally. "Boromar, cover me while I get behind it!" He begins manuvering to a position behind the wolf to flank it!

Vhir is going to Withdraw and circle out and around to 10' behind the wolf to flank it from the other side with his reach weapon.


First Post
Boromar will hold his ground to flank the wolf, despite the fact that he loses his skirmish bonus by standing still.

Edit: I just noticed that skirmish damage does not apply to undead, so the previous hit (if it did hit) only dealt 2 points of damage.
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First Post
The wolf spun about, snapping at Boromar confusedly, even as it watched leerily over its back at Vhir.

* * * * *

Johan was bolstered by Midian's entering the fray and the flow of natural magic that seemed to be radiating from the druid. However, one of moldering corpses struck out with its powerful fists. Johan brought his sword up to defend, cutting a rather large chunk of the creature's limb but the undead monstrosity didn't even seem to notice.

Johan crumpled to the deck as the creature's fist slammed into his skull, a sharp crack resounding through the cabin. And then suddenly there was a mass of flapping wild feathers in the cabin, flailing its powerful claws against the zombie even as the creatures began moving towards Midian.

[sblock]Johan, yer at -3. This round gimme a Fort save[/sblock]

* * * * * * *

The skeleton Tel attacked swung, bringing its claws up and catching him in the chest. The monster's sharp fingers failed to find purchase, however, rebounding off the warrior's armor.

There was a bright explosion off to Tel's side. Giphil was sitting there, a thin rod of wood clutched in his hand. "Bony bastard," he muttered, wiping bone chips off of himself even as he struggled to his feet.

* * * * * *

Sool began muttering powerful words, words that Whisper had never heard before. The mists that enshrouded the ship began to move away, a bubble of clear air appearing on deck. The chill of death that had pervaded the bones of all the crew was banished with the mist. From her vantage point, under the light of the grey sun that managed to shine through the cloud, Whisper could see Vhir and Boromar battling the skeleton as well as Teivel and Giphil versus the one remaining skeleton. About a dozen other shambling monsters were in combat with crew members and, at least one crew man was lying in a pool of his own blood. And then there was the other thing.

Whisper spotted it first. Three hundred feet off the starboard side, an airship hung menacingly like a vulture. Every surface of the ship was unpainted and rotted and the elemental ring shone with a horrid black light (an impressive feat; glowing black that is). Sool was still locked in concentration even as the Captain called out "Get down men! Archers!"

* * * *

The barrage of arrows that rained down on the deck of the Sympatico thumped ominously as each arrow hit the deck (or their targets at the same time). They thumped aorund Whisper, Vhir, Tel, Giphil and Sool, while they made a wet squorsh as one caught Captain Arack and a loud clang as another caught Boromar. The warforged's eyes darkened as he slumped forwards an arrow piercing the plating in his back. The Captain cursed as the arrow pierced his arm. "Any free hands! Man the ballistae!"

[sblock]Erm.... oops Boromar's at -1.[/sblock]


The man with the probe
Johan layes on the floor in a handsom pile, bleeding valiantly.

OOC: Fort save: 7
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Vhir's eyes inflame at the sight of one of his friends go down. He raises his hands and cries out calling on the power of the world. "From the earth springs all life, I now return you to it's embrace!" His hands begin glowing from within, outlining his fingerbones in a reddish brown light. He lowers his spear and steps in to press his hand against the beasts forehead.

Dropping Entangle to cast Cure Light Wounds with the Spontaneous Healer feat. Dice roller hates us all. Touch Attack: 12 if it hits:
2 dmg


First Post
Selc! CLW does 1d8 points... however, you still missed (by 1!)) Just for later. You can, however, make another touch attack next round since the spell is still in your hand. And the Skeleton missed AGAIN (this particular wolf has the worst rolls ever) now... try to touch him again and reroll the CLW damage.


First Post

As his companion falls, Midian reaches out instinctively, calling on the life still in him to return. As he feels the power discharge into the paladin, Midian thrusts his shortspear at the undead creature unmolested by the bird he's summoned.

OOC:[sblock](five foot step and?) Move action to cast Cure Light Wounds: 3

If I still have an attack this round (not sure how close I was to Johan), attack with Shortspear:
Attack 10
Damage (as if) 5

Voidrunner's Codex

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