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Who's getting the freebies from RPGNow?

RPGNow has their Thanks-Give-Away going on this week, during which various publishers are offering one or two products for free download. A different set of products is available each day.

I missed yesterday's, but Tome of Horrors revised is on the list for freebies tomorrow. And I might take a look at XCrawl on Thursday. And of course Book of Challenges. I don't even think my group's "Gotta-Own-Everything" guru has a copy of it. There's a ton of other cool stuff there (like the first adventure of War of the Burning Sky, The Scouring of Gate Pass, available today!), and since I'm not that familiar with all the companies and products being offered, I'm wondering if anyone can point out the gems I might miss otherwise.

You can find the list of what's available each day here.

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Definitely an interesting array of PDFs.

I like the look of 'Thrilling Tales: Omnibus Edition'. That one, I'll snaffle. I also haven't heard of, well, most of these publishers, or items. Still, it might be a chance to see what they're on about.


I grabbed a bunch yesterday and plan to throughout the week.

The sites are not loading for me right now but from what I remember being up there I think the Khendris Seal Modern secret demon war campaign setting is up today and it looks nifty.

I find the unorthodox and neo stuff from TheLe decent alt classes and have enjoyed a bunch, a player in my new game is playing one of the classes from Unorthodox Pirates.

Tome of Horrors Revised was an excellent buy at $10 and getting it free is amazing.

I have Ptolus by Malahavoc and enjoy it, the World of Praemal is a section of the huge city setting dealing with the world outside the city and the cosmology.

I'm looking forward to the Lazy GM's Guide to Troglodytes. I have the goblin one and it is a huge fairly comprehensive collection of useful 3.5 statblocks of the title race ready for cutting and pasting.

I'd recommend the War of the Burning Sky Adventure but you are familiar with its good qualities.

Bits of Darkness Dungeons is nice read aloud description text to insert into random dungeons. I like the cavern and forest ones better and have used the latter two in games.

I own Book of Challenges and it is a bunch of short 3.0 encounters for various ELs. The high level riddle encounter is disappointing but some neat other wierd single encounters. I want it in PDF but did not want to spend $22 on it so I'm happy it is in there.


Sadly the Twilight: 2000 scan is rather dark and hard to read. Good thing I actually own a copy. Some of the others look interesting. I am not interested in all of them, so I have been doing a pick and choose so far. Quality/usefullness is, as you can imagine, across the board. Still, it gives me more things to read.


First Post
Thanks for the info! I picked up a few tings. By far today was the most interesting day for download, seing next days, I am only interested in Tome of Horrors, Conan, and Book of Challenges.


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[imager]http://enworld.rpgnow.com/images/127/23442.gif[/imager]I am participating in this freebie week.

In fact, I am giving away 1 free book on each day.

Monday - Unorthodox Clerics
Tuesday - Neo Fighters: The Fire Knight
Wednesday - Unorthodox Fighters
Thursday - 17 Monk Feats
Friday - 17 Magic Weapons

I actually wanted to give away a lot more than that, but OBS limited me to just 5 for the week!

If I haven't said it before, I will say it now -- Thanks for being a loyal customer!

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